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"Morning kid" Tony smiled mercy nodded a hello still half asleep and not feeling to well "breakfast" Tony asked she shook her. Head "no thanks" she mumbled Tony frowned "everything alright" he asked concerned at his daughters loss of appetite she never didn't want food she nodded "fine" she mumbled walking away getting dressed in black jeans and t shirt slipping on a leather jacket over top she walked back to the kitchen "want to come work with me" Tony asked she nodded not saying much she climbed in the car and sat with her head pressed against the window

"Are you sure your okay" Tony asked again she nodded "just a head ache" she responded lying she often felt pains like this like someone was slamming her head with a hammer sometimes the pain would get so much she would pass out or be sick Tony seemed skeptical of her response but questioned it no further she went to see Bucky sitting with him "hey" he said she smiled lightly before sitting down rubbing her temples in attempt to release the pain "happening again!" Bucky asked knowing exactly what was happening she nodded

"Have you told Tony" he asked already knowing the answer "no" she grumbled rolling her eyes "you should" he said she nodded growing frustrated "hey you smile" Bucky said nudging her shoulder she let out a small forced smile before leaving she headed up to the lab sitting down in the spinning chair opposite Tony "hey kid how's it going" he asked despite not knowing her all that well she was still his daughter and he knew something was up

Mercy however was convincing herself her headache came from not using her powers recently hydra soon learnt restricting her from using her powers made her ill and made her a room to practice or more importantly people to kill mercy knew she couldn't exactly ask tony for a man who's life she could pointlessly take, truthfully I didn't bother her. it should But it didn't she felt nothing no remorse no guilt all she felt was strength but she knew tony would feel completely different emotions for he was a good man often sarcastic but still incredibly kind.

Mercy's headache had gotten worse she began to hear voices and the pounding got worse "please stop" she begged the pain becoming all to unbearable tony snapped his head straight up to look at her "hope" he called she looked up at him rubbing her temples "I need air" she mumbled standing up stumbling before falling completely unconscious to the floor tony sprinted over lifting her head slightly "banner help" he called loudly Bruce ran in running when he saw the unconscious teenager "hospital wing now" Bruce said quickly Steve ran in after hearing Tony's worried call for help "here i got her get all the doors open" he said lifting her of the floor effortlessly in his arms tony opened every door once she was laid banner connected her to iv drips and made sure she was stabilised "what's wrong with her" tony asked pacing back and fourth he had never felt emotion like this, constantly worrying this sick feeling in his stomach the fear that he could lose her again and this time for good.

"Nothing medical she's perfectly healthy I think this had something more to do with what she can do, but she's stable and okay we just have to wait for her to wake up" banner said placing down his clip board tony nodded but continued pacing back and forth banner left and Steve took a seat watching his friend hopelessly panic around 10 minutes later she awoke "if you keep pacing I'm going to be sick" mercy complained "your awake" tony said rushing to her side "what happened mercy" tony asked "my body not used to going so long without using powers" she said sitting up pulling out the iv drips "maybe you should rest for a bit longer" tony said she shook her head standing up

"I want to do missions" she said looking up at her father "absolutely not" tony responded "let me rephrase I need to do missions" she argued tony let out a loud sigh "tony I'm not asking, I have to fight I need to let out this anger and power that's being bottled up inside me" she said she softened her voice slightly "you don't know what it's like Tony, it's unbearable. Voices in my head screaming at me to do bad things, terrible thing to hurt you to blow this entire building up with a click of my fingers and the worst thing is I could do it kill everyone here without blinking  everyone but you...I can't take it any longer" she said Tony wanted to smile knowing she didn't want to kill him that was certainly an improvement "I'll speak to fury" he said leaving the room she nodded before walking away to get some air

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