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Mercy sat eating her breakfast in silence not saying anything for the third day in a row Tony sat down "Are you still mad about what I said the other day" tony asked she looked up at him placing down her fork "no" she mumbled he looked at her questioningly "do you think I'm an awful person" she asked out of the blue "no I think your a child who was raised wrong who deserves a chance" he said softly she frowned "but I've done so many horrible things" she responded he lifted her hands in his "there's nothing you could to that could make me love you any less always remember that kiddo" he said softly standing up kissing the top of her head taking her plate to the dish washer

"Coming with me" he asked putting his shoes on she nodded and he chucked her the keys which she caught effortlessly "your driving" Tony smiled she nodded climbing in behind the wheel placing the car into reverse and backed out of the garage before doing a simple manoeuvre to face the right direction and they soon pulled up at there destination mercy locked the car putting the keys in her back pocket walking beside her father

"Hey you stop a second" Tony said grabbing her shoulders she stopped walking and faced him "you be careful today" he said she nodded "always" she smirked heading to change into gear and met everyone in a car "hydra base again they have intel we need our job is to get in and out" Clint told Steve and mercy who both nodded understanding there role they snuck in and a guard was at the end of the corridor mercy chanted and he fell unconscious when loud alarms rung "okay we've been detected fight away" Clint shouted they ran in all fight first hand combat mercy pulled the knife out of her pocket pressing it against the final hydra agents neck chest paused for a second looking at him frozen looking at the fear plastered on his face

She had never noticed it on any other victims of her Brute killings but then again she had never looked she was fixated unable to kill him "I can't do it why can't I do it" she asked her hand trembling "I don't understand the issue I've seen you kill many people" Clint shouted she let in a breath and closed her eyes stabbing it into his chest "I'm sorry" she whispered before pulling away not looking at him she sat in silence the way home not saying anything they got back to how and sat down "what happened today merc" clint asked softly sensing something was bothering the girl, his fatherly instincts talking him so.

"I don't know somethings wrong with me I'm not myself" she said Steve sat up slightly in concern "ever since Bucky brought me back it's like he opened a door and all these emotions are rushing out I can't stop them and I can't shut The door, a few days I would Have stabbed him before he could blink but today I looked into his eyes for the first time in my life I considered my victim I saw the fear in his eyes he was terrified, of me" she told them Steve placed his hand on her shoulder

"Maybe that door being open is a good thing it doesn't make you weak to care about people or things" he said softly she shrugged "I don't know I have a bad feeling what if someone gets hurt because I grew a conscience" she mumbled "then we'll handle that together okay, now go home you look tired" he said smiling softly at her mercy had to admit Steve had a away with words he was so reassuring a born leader he deserved his title he was truly the best captain.

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