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"Hello pepps" mercy said pepper jumped slightly "hello dear I didn't see you there" she said softly mercy nodded taking a seat she noticed that pepper would be slightly on edge when she was around she understood why she she was hardly a comforting person to have around instead she was a moody bipolar killing machine

"Sleep well" pepper asked mercy nodded "Where's Tony" mercy asked pepper shrugged "I'm not entirely sure sweetheart" pepper said back until an alarm rang through the house "were under attack" pepper said mercy ran as fast as she could "TONY" she screamed searching for him worried for her father when out of the window she saw him a blade pressed against his neck and hydra agents surrounding him she ran out

"Hello mercy" George smirked "release him" mercy said angrily "now now you and I both know that's not going to happen and if your about to try and blast us don't bother you can't" he said confidently she furrowed her brows in confusion trying to light a flame in her hand but it sparked out "Loki" she said angrily through gritted teeth "and I know what your thinking, we all know you could fight your way out of this situation of you wanted to but you won't" he said holding up and iPad a live stream of Bucky strapped down "you hurt him your dead" she said seething with anger "come with us and we wont" he said she followed after them into the van Tony too they pulled up at an old building

Tony was strapped in next to Bucky "mercy mercy mercy we have both your father figures, Tony who each day you learn to care about and Bucky who in every way has your heart in his hands the man you owe your life to but who will you save, come on pick one" he smirked "no" she responded through her emotionless eyes but inside she was screaming "you take me" she said angrily walking over to George who turned a dial and they both screamed out in pain she racked her brain for ideas

Only one seemed good enough to use to save her family she would over power Loki's power restrictions she knew it could cost her, her life but she had to she turned to them both "in sorry" she said before closing her eyes Bucky who had been on many a mission with her knew what she was about to do "mercy no" he shouted but she ignored him chanting furiously with every chant she could feel Loki's grip weakening she placed a protective bubble around her two fathers the first chance she got "close your eyes" Bucky shouted to Tony who obliged and a bright glow erupted from her body u til a large explosion left her small frame killing every agent and her body dropped to the floor Bucky snapped out of the straps that were holding him pressing a button to undo Tony's and running over to her "merc" he said softly shaking her but she didn't awake tony stood panicking "why isn't she waking" he said worriedly Bucky scooped her up on his arms "avengers ha let's go" he said

"What happened" banner asked as she was laid onto a bed "there's nothing you can do for her" Bucky told him running through true building when he saw Thor Bucky slammed him against a wall "your brother where is he" Bucky shouted "he escaped" Thor said confused as to what was happening "then your going to help her" Bucky said angrily Thor quickly followed behind the solider he paused when he saw mercy noticing the mark that had appeared on her forehead knowing it instantly

"What is it" Tony asked everything clicked on Thor's head why her magic felt so familiar to him Loki must have gifted it to her "the mark of immortalises, Loki gifted her magic and no one can anticipate how strong that magic can become and mercy is one of the strongest and most powerful sorcerer I have met and when she over powered Loki she sent her subconscious to the back of her head the magic over powering her memories

"Bring her back" Tony said angrily "I can't" Thor responded Bucky quickly slammed him against the wall "hey come one buck this isn't you" Steve said trying to pull the solider of the god they all knew Thor could do it but he seemed over ridden with guilt and unable to retaliate Bucky lifted his elbow into Steve's face "you get Loki and you send me in" Bucky said "we have to find him first" banner chirped in "THEN FIND HIM" Bucky shouted walking out the room "we find Loki we bring her back that's the plan no if's no buts" Tony added following Bucky out

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