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"Loki" Thor shouted across the room to his brother Loki cursed silently ready to fight Thor shook his head in disappointment Bucky was ready to lunge at Loki but thor had asked to speak to him before they attacked "brother this is no time for fighting" Thor said holding up his hands before  him placing down his hammer Loki looked confused "you did something awful Loki you have to correct it" Thor called out "I know" Loki said in confusion not realising the extent of his damage

"No you don't, she has the mark Loki. You've cursed her" Thor said Loki's eyes widened "why did she have to over power me" he scolded angrily "take me to her" Loki said quickly he saw her laid on the bed "what have you done merc" he mumbled walking over to her placing his hands either side of her head closing his eyes seeing just how far the magic had spread "can you save her" Tony asked Loki stood silently "can you" tony repeated louder this time "I don't know" Loki shouted back

"I can't bring her back but I can send someone in it would take a deep connection to bring her back but you and I know she's not exactly in touch with her emotions" he told them "who's going in" Steve asked "me I'm going in I know her best" Bucky said quickly Tony wanted I argue but knew Bucky was right he'd only known Hope a few weeks and in truth he didn't know her all that well and as much as it pained him Bucky had practically raised her

"Place your hand in hers" Loki instructed Bucky quickly took her hands in his and the moment he did he found himself in a hallway with doors running up and down either side, he cautiously opened the first door to see a memory he remembered it well she had returned from a mission it wasn't her first but it was the first mission where she had taken a life she was sat there in silence staring at the blood on her hands and she looks up at memory Bucky "I killed him" she whispered Bucky walked up to her lifted her head and placed his hands on her cheeks "I killed him too merc your not facing this alone you kill or be killed you remember that" he said softly

memory Bucky walked out and the real Bucky knew the memory he wanted and it wasn't this he walked to the next door this memory contained Loki he quickly shut the door searching for the memory when he found it he knew this was the moment she flipped it all stopped caring stopped being herself the moment she became emotionless the moment she did the worst thing in her life he watched the memory unfold he watched her kill the guards and head up the stairs running into the room seeing the 14 year old boy and his pregnant mother "kill them" she heard through her ear piece she looked to the teenage boy "Please don't make me" she begged "kill them" they shouted she closed her eyes and twisted her hand she heard their necks snap and as soon as she opened her eyes she was no longer herself she had lost any part of her that resembled Tony

"Mercy" real Bucky called out but she continued to stand pointlessly "mercy" he called again "please" he begged she turned her head to look at him "you have to wake up I need you, Tony needs you" he said she cocked her head slightly at him and shook her head "you don't belong her winter" she said softly lifting her hand "don't your dare send me back mercy, not unless your coming with me" he said sternly "if your staying im staying" he added she frowned lightly "you'll die here" she mumbled he nodded "you son of a bitch" she mumbled knowing he wasn't leaving unless she was he smirked at her "come on merc" he held out his hand she smiled and placed her hand in his chanting quickly

She sat up with a gasp looking to Bucky who's eyes snapped opened she breathed in relief and turned to look for Tony who ran to her side wrapping his arms around her she resisted at first but eventually wrapped Her arms around him lightly she pulled away from him and looked to Loki

"Merc" he said awkwardly she sat up quickly she chanted and he slammed against the wall "come on you know you cant kill me" he tried to reason "I can still hurt you" she seethed "it was a simple deal they said they wouldn't hurt you" he defended trying to get her to calm "they didn't have to Loki they had to hurt him or him, that would have been worse than anything they could do to me" she screamed angrily pointing to Tony and Bucky "merc I" He began to speak she stepped towards his angrily chanting and clenching her fist "silencio" she said angrily and he was unable to talk

She slapped his cheek and began punching him repeatedly "I... never.... want...to...see....you...again" she said slamming his face with punches in between every word there was a clear difference between Bucky and Tony. Bucky was smirking proudly cheering her on as the teenager beat the shit out of the god where's as Tony was trying to convince her to give up her attack claiming it wasn't the way they did things around here "it's how I do things and I'm not one of you" she responded angrily punching his again as blood splattered from his face her knuckles bruised from the force she was using

Tony truly didn't recognise his daughter in moments like these it was when he was reminded who she really was and In Some ways she scared him Steve grabbed her tightly pulling her away holding her arms firmly "I really advise you put me down Rogers" he seethed thor quickly grabbed Loki and swinging his hammer taking Loki away from the girl who lifted her sleeve wiping the blood splatters from her face

"Well I'm going to shower" mercy smiled walking away like she hadn't beaten the shit out of the god of mischief she paused at the door turning to face Bucky "how'd you know to find me there" she asked "because I know you, it was the day you lost it all. The day you changed from a girl to a solider. Loki said it had to be a deep connection with someone to find you but I knew that day was the only day you ever felt deep emotion you've never loved something so much it could bring you back but seconds before you did what you did you've never felt more guilt and I knew it had to be pain to being you back so I picked the worst day of your life" Bucky responded "it's weird I look back on it now and I don't feel a thing no guilt no remorse I feel nothing" she said he nodded "your a solider it's how it works" Bucky said she smiled lightly "thank you" she mouth silently he half smiled "anything for you" he joked

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