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"Tony" mercy shouted he came through to her bed room to see the walls covered in black smoke and her sat in the middle a protective bubble wrapped around her self "what the hell happened" he asked "I don't know...the spell was correct....probably" she giggled he laughed lightly "no more spells in the house" Tony told her she pouted but agreed regardless "come on I made you food" he said she jumped up following behind him to find her dinner she sat down at the table and could see Tony pacing like he wanted to ask something "Tony please stop pacing and just ask me what you want to ask me" she said he pulled out a chair and sat opposite her

"I heard about the mission yesterday and how you hesitated and couldn't do it and don't get me wrong I'm thrilled your growing more emotions but it all feels a little quick....I just worry about you" he said she let out a breath "trust me I'm worried about it too but it is what it is I guess" she responded taking her plate to the dish washer "stop worrying" she added seeing him sat there looking out "I'm your father it's my job to worry" he sassed back "point taken" she mumbled

She had become very talkative around Tony if he took her to avengers building she would go back to her usual quiet self although she had grown an unusual friendship with Steve "hey kid want to watch a film" he asked she nodded jumping on the sofa and he put on a comedy although she never found them funny but instead laughed lightly at sad scenes in films she fell asleep her head rested on his shoulder he smiled lightly until he felt her shaking her face had gone blue like she wasn't breathing

"Wake up kid" he yelled shaking her shoulders she stopped moving completely "hope" he screamed "Jarvis scan her" tiny yelled "she's not breathing mr stark" Jarvis told Tony who was panicking lifting his hands to her chest pumping "call the medical team from shield now" Tony shouted still pumping "come on baby wake up" he said tears streaming down his face as he continued cpr her lips were the most blue he noticed bruises around her neck confused as to where they had come from they weren't there an hour ago "she's breathing sir" Jarvis said Tony breathed out in relief pulling his hands away he looked to see if he could see help yet "sir she's gone again" Jarvis said he sprinted through the house she was laying perfectly still where he had left her, her skin blue once again he began pumping again "come on" he said panicked "crack her ribs sir" Jarvis instructed him "it will allow you to pump her heart more" he added Tony closed his eyes pushing down heard hearing the audible snap and continued pumping "stark" he heard Steve's voice "Steve" he shouted back Steve ran in the medical team behind him "she's not breathing" stark said quickly tears streaming down his face the medical team quickly got onto the floor pushing him out the way one took over pumping

"Defibrillators" the other yelled handing them to the other pumping placing them against her chest "3,2,1 clear" he shouted pressing the button her whole body shook her chest lifting of the floor before hitting the floor with a thud she was still not moving and blue "again" the paramedic shouted "come on" Tony begged "it's been too long" he sobbed Steve didn't know what he could say to his friend in this situation "3,2,1 clear" the paramedic said and the defibrillators went again "we've got her" the paramedic said breathing out in relief Tony rubbed his eyes his heart was heavy as he exhaled turning to Steve who hugged him lightly "let's get her to the hospital" he added they put her into the stretcher into the shield ambulance heading straight to the hospital wing they got her connected to machines Tony sat down in the chair beside her in silence "she'll be alright" Steve tried to comfort but nothing he was saying was registering with stark who's eyes fixated on his little girl the one he had almost lost and they couldn't explain it why she had just stopped breathing or how she had bruises they were waiting for her to wake up and every minute her eyes remained closed felt like an hour to Tony steve turned leaving finding his fellow avengers "how are they" Nat asked "what happened" Bruce added

"Mercy stopped breathing stark was forced to perform cpr until we turned up where they couldn't get her heart to start breathing again so they had to use defibrillators and they finally got her heartbeat to pick up again she is yet to wake up" Steve told them all "I couldn't even imagine performing cpr on any of my kids" Clint said sadly he was the one avenger who could sympathise with Tony most "how is Tony" Nat asked "truthfully not good when I got there Mercy was blue and stark was begging her to wake up, it was traumatic for me so god knows how it must have felt for him" Steve answered Nat stood up "let's go see them" she said everyone nodded following after her

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