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Mercy awoke first surprised to find herself cuddled into peter his arm slung over her she slipped out and snuck out of the room careful not to wake him she dragged her feet to the kitchen "morning" Tony smirked she furrowed her brows "sleep well" he added she figured he must have seen her sleeping cuddled up to peter "yes actually I did" she sassed sticking out her tongue playfully making herself a coffee and taking a seat opposite her father

"So yesterday you called me dad" he pointed out she nodded sipping her coffee "it's what you are isn't it" she asked like it was nothing but Tony it was massive to finally be called dad after all the long hard weeks of trying to get her to open up to him "yeah" he responded "where's pepps" mercy asked changing the topic quickly "work, what are you doing today" Tony asked mercy shrugged her shoulders like she often did along with rolling her eyes shrugging her shoulder was her reaction to most things that were said to her

"Coming to work with you I guess" she mumbled "uh hey guys" peter smiled awkwardly "hey" mercy mumbled "may must be worrying I should get going" he said fumbling with his shoes "dont worry I phoned her last night" tony told he sighed in relief quickly taking of his shoes again sitting down beside mercy she smiled lightly at him "you coming with us to avengers hq" Tony asked looking to peter who nodded "sure" he mumbled they all got ready and mercy drove them there walking in "hey mini stark I wanna talk to you" Clint shouted She stopped twisting to face him her arms crossed Tony and peter stopped waiting for her "call me mini stark again I dare you" she threatened not fond of the nickname he had given her

"Mini stark" he said raising his brows she flicked her wrist and his feet gave way and he fell to the floor with a grunt "my back" he mumbled "I'm getting old" he mumbled she lifted her hands to chant again Tony ran up behind her grabbing her hands "okay hermione granger that's enough" Tony said she raised her eyebrows turning to face him "I warned him" she defended "I know you and peter go upstairs" he said she rolled her eyes walking away with peter

"When she warns you not to you probably shouldn't" Tony said holding his hand out Clint placed his hand in Tony's letting him pull him up "point taken" he mumbled stretching his back they walked up to a room where they found everyone seat talking mercy however was sat on he phone Tony walked pulling it from her hands "nope, your socialising today" he said she furrowed her brows "but I don't like socialising" she complained looking up at him "god your like a three year old" he said she increased her glare "your lucky I love you" she said back reaching for her phone "wait what did you say" he asked wondering if he had imagined those words leaving her mouth "you heard" she mumbled clearly going shy he smiled widely to himself she turned to peter "thumb war" she asked clearly bored he held out his hand "Your going down stark" he challenged she laughed "we'll see parker" she responded he placed his hand in hers and the two began "1234 I win the thumb war" peter quickly said "you stuck my thumb down with webs" she exclaimed frowning she was a sore loser like her father "still won" he teased "your dead" she mumbled he stood up quickly running around the room she quickly followed after him before giving up he ran around the table everyone was sat round running up behind her lifting her off the floor and over his shoulder once again

"I swear to god peter Parker you put me down this instance" she said sassily everyone now watching the two all he did was laugh everyone expected her to react badly and slam him into a wall of break his arm but all she did was laugh he pulled her of his shoulder lifting her towards the ground "let's play the floor is lava" he suggested she quickly jumped up wrapping her arms around his neck and legs around his waist "your burning" she pointed out he laughed jumping into the table

"Kids" Tony shouted at the two "the floor is lava" mercy shouted at him Thor was the first to screech and jump on the table causing mercy to laugh uncontrollably "peter put my daughter down, then all three of you get of the table" tony instructed mercy jumped down walking across the long table to stand in front of him "god your such a parent, I thought Tony Stark was supposed to be a fun dad" she teased placing her hands on her hips

"Are you calling me boring" he challenged she nodded "right im not having that everyone on the table" he shouted Clint quickly jumped up mercy smiled walking over to cap "come on old man" she asked he smiled and gave in jumping on she walked over to Nat holding out her hands Nat sighed placing her hands in mercy's letting her pull her up onto the table mercy had a face that made it impossible to say no to

"First one to get to the main doors without touching the floor wins" Tony shouted peter and Thor jumped to the chairs making a path "Steve shield" mercy shouted he threw it down to the door and the jumped on almost falling but catching her self she backed up slightly "jump" she shouted to Steve who jumped beside her she grabbed onto his arms as they both almost fell off "jump to the other table behind you" mercy shouted he quickly jumped up and mercy followed after him "now what" he shouted she jumped up pushing the air vent back "were going through the vents" she smiled Steve jumped in first holding out his hand mercy placed her hand in his and he pulled her effortlessly up into the large air vent "see you there suckers" mercy shouted as they began to crawl through the hall way "you know where your going" Steve asked "I mean I'm guessing but It'll be fine" she laughed reaching another vent "yes we made it" she mumbled kicking it to the floor jumping onto it steve jumped on beside her giving her a high five

Tony and peter were next pushing and jumping from chair to chair "no" Tony shouted when he saw them "we lost guys" he shouted down the corridor to the people following them "losers" Steve mocked "real mature Steve" Clint sulked

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