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Mercy followed Tony to the lab everyone was already up there they were trying to make a component that could hold large amounts of energy Bruce and Tony were discussing it in depth Mercy walked up to the diagram "don't touch that you don't want it to break" Bruce said "you guys are idiots" she mumbled glaring at him slightly as he had belittled her like she was a child which she was but in many ways she was an adult

"The molecule is unable to hold it whilst protons are blocking the ionic structure remove the matter allowing the energy surge to pass through and then charge the atom to make a cyclical bond repeat on a larger scale" she said smugly smirking at banner

"She's got your brains" Steve said Tony smirked "and you'll be pleased to know she has my sarcasm too" he joked  fury walked in demanding to know what Loki had said and how she knew the ancient language "I'm not telling you" she snapped he had a serum in his hand "this is truth serum" he stated she glared at him Tony stepped forward "your not injecting her with that" Tony said protectively as much as he also wanted to know he wanted her to trust him and this would destroy any chance he had her trusting him was the first step in a father daughter relationship between the two

"I will if I have to.. Natasha" he said looking to the red head to do it, romanoff stepped forward Mercy grabbed the swords she had cloaked by her side she swung them skill fully "stop" Tony said his daughter smirked "it's fine she won't win" Mercy said smugly nat reached across to get Mercy in a head lock But she dodged elbowing her in the nose "I'll keep doing this till I'm dead and I highly doubt you've killed anyone" nat challenged figuring the girl was just a kid who could fight well not a trained assassin

"I've seen her stab that sword into someone's chest before" Tony said trying to break them up moving to stand between the two "I was raised by hydra killing is what I do best" She smirked  "but I don't want to fight you" she added she walked over to Natasha and chanted and she fell to the floor unconscious Tony ran to his daughters side glaring at fury "impressive you have a power...what exactly is your power" he asked

"No one knows my powers except Loki and I'd like to keep it that way" the girl said calmly fury looked annoyed and frustrated there was a loud bang from the floor below "sir the building is under attack" Jarvis said I stood up "there here for me" I said Tony's suit suddenly formed around him "Not on my watch there not" he said rushing to his daughters side four of them walked in mercy held out her hands and picked them up snapping there necks

Everyone gasped shocked by her strength Steve went to run out the room and fight "stop this is my battle all of you stay here" Mercy shouted "if one of us fights all of us fight" Steve said "I'm not one of you" she shouted back swinging her swords magic passing through them to help her harness her power similar to Thor's hammer she walked out the room chanting angrily her eyes glowing as she turned to look at everyone

"Ha her eyes are glowing" Thor said excitedly pointing something about her magic was so familiar to him but he couldn't place it. Mercy ran out the room down the stairs she saw all the hydra agents "Mercy come with us" one of them said she shook her head "we can make the painless or painful your decision" he said

She didn't respond "restrain her" the man ordered the other who ran at her she started slashing away at everyone Steve and Tony ran in "we don't let anyone face enemy's alone" Steve said she nodded at him between killing they took out the agents Mercy walked up to the one in charge dragging him to the floor she pressed her sword to his neck "where is he" she asked the man laughed sickly

"You wouldn't kill me I raised you" he said "you tortured me" she shouted stabbing one of her swords through his hands he screamed out "answer me or the next one will be through you heart" she said sternly Steve ran over "we don't do that, we won't let you kill him" he said Tony placed his hand on her shoulder "come on Hope killing is wrong" Tony said gently "that's not my name" she shouted angrily all day she had been hearing Hope this Hope that but that wasn't her name it may have been once but she was not that little girl anymore as she far as she was concerned she was Mercy the ruthless assassin not the sweet Hope stark she may have been once

"its mercy I know because I named you" the man said "no you ruined me" she shouted back at him everyone's heart aching for the girl before them "we called you mercy because you showed none, you'd kill kill and kill and everyone who faced you would be begging for mercy...but look at you now so weak so fragile" he teased laughing "I am not weak" she shouted stabbing her sword through his chest kicking his body off to the floor everyone away taken back by her violence

She saw someone else awake on the floor she ran over and picked him up by his collar "where is he" she asked "who" Tony asked she ignored his question "he's not with us anymore" he said everyone watched as she raised her eyebrow in confusion "ask them" he whispered so they wouldn't hear she nodded and dropped him walking away from everyone wiping the blood from her swords on her trouser legs

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