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Mercy walked with no destination in mind she didn't really have any idea where she was going she'd just know when she got there she watched every smiling face that walked past she had to do something  to prove to Tony she wasn't completely bad she had to prove she was worthy of him so she looked aimlessly for something she could do someone she could save she walked to the crowd finally seeing the man stood up at the top of a tall building everyone screaming at him to stop mercy shoved through the crowd into the building chanting to break the lock sprinting to the roof once she reached there he lifted his feet of the edge "dammit" she mumbled sprinting and leaping after him grabbing him thinking what she could do now she was falling towards the floor which was vastly approaching she chanted and her fall began to slow but not enough her ankle broke the moment she hit the ground but other than that she was unharmed she placed the man down lowering her head and pushing her way through the crowds limping lightly as she made her way back to the avengers building

"What the bloody hell were you thinking" Nat exclaimed mercy furrowed her brows in confusion figuring they surely didn't know about her jumping of the roof yet "your on the news genius you jumped of building! , are you hurt" she added softening slightly "no" mercy mumbled ignoring her throbbing ankle Nat narrowed her stare "my ankles broken" mercy gave in sitting down "I'll snap it back in" Nat mumbled crouching down "what were you thinking" she asked mercy shrugged "I figured maybe if I did something good Tony would hate me less" she mumbled as Nat cracked her ankle back into place "he doesn't hate you" she said softly sympathy laced in her voice mercy shook her head "you didn't see his face" she mumbled remembering it clearly the disgust written clearly on his face "stay here I'll go get ice for the swelling" Nat said walking away

"She back yet" Tony asked when he saw Nat in the halls "yeah" Nat said Tony had also seen on the news as Mercy jumped off the edge of the rooftop "she think she's some kind of hero now" he commented Nat shook her head "she never wanted to be a hero she just wanted to do something to prove to you she was hope stark not the murderous assassin hydra raised" Nat said looking up at Tony "she thinks you hate her, so now she's trying to prove she's not a completely bad person" she added Tony didn't hate her he couldn't if he tried she was his flesh and blood he couldn't not love her but that didn't take away the shock of what he had seen he stepped past Nat walking through to the room Mercy was sat in she looked up at him "hey kiddo" he said softly she didn't take her eyes off him but didn't say anything either he pulled a chair sitting opposite her "I told you it would change the way you saw me" she whispered but Tony heard her clear as day "you have to understand I didn't want to do it they made me, I didn't want to Tony I promise you have to believe me" she begged tears beginning to stream down her face "shhh shh it's okay I believe you" he said softly wrapping his arms around her hating seeing her cry it was so unusual to see her this way so broken "you didn't have to jump of a building to prove anything to me remember when I said nothing would ever change how much I loved you, I meant it I don't see you any different your still my angel" he said softly she pulled out of his embrace smiling

Nat walked back in ice in hand she placed the ice pack around mercy ankle "there you go" she smiled "you broke your ankle" Tony exclaimed throwing his arms up he smiled lightly at him "whoops" she mumbled Tony rolled his eyes but laughed none the less "come on let's take you home"

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