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Mercy was in her room when she heard the familiar bangs she had heard the day Tony found her "mercy they're here" fergus shouted walking through "kill them" he said she nodded being back at hydra she had soon returned to her usual robotic ways she walked through the halls ways seeing Steve,Nat, Clint, Tony and Bucky "your face" was the first thing tony had said noticing the cuts and bruises "I disobeyed and I got punished" she shrugged "I believe I said kill them not make conversation" fergus called from behind her "yes sir" she said slamming a fire ball towards Nat and Clint she punched Steve clint shot an arrow towards fergus she ran and caught it in her hands before it pierced him he smiled slightly at mercy who turned back to the avengers stood around her she slammed every single one back punching Nat in the cheek

"Come on mercy stop this" Bucky called she twisted to face him kicking his chest he grunted from the impact "this is fergus he's in your head" Bucky tried to reason she shook her head "look what he did to you, your hurt" he said she laughed lightly kicking him again "restrain her" Tony shouted Steve ran up girl behind her pinning her arms behind her she wrestled against his grip her arm breaking free she slammed her elbow into his neck before slamming him back she turned to her father next

"Come home" he said softly "I am home" she spat his suit formed around him as he flew of the ground she copied his actions flying at his suit they crashed into the wall she smashed her head into his suits head "this isn't you" Tony said "stop saying that, this is me why couldn't you have just accepted that maybe I would have stayed with you but no you had to save me make me good but all you did was tear me down" she shouted smashing her fist into the metal helmet as it dented slightly

"Why didn't you say anything" he said back flying up trying to grab her "I did I told you I wasn't like you but you never listened, your never fucking listen" she spat throwing fire towards him Steve threw his shield at her head she spun catching it effortlessly throwing it to the ground "I'm sorry okay just come with us" Tony said she rolled her eyes "so I can fall back into the repetitive cycle of waking up unhappy going to work with you, I've gotten fat and unfit" she said looking down at herself "you haven't gotten fat when you first came your we're unhealthy skinny" Tony shouted flying for her again she met him flying at him smashing him back

"I'm sorry I tired to make you change I am I won't this time" he apologised "stop lying you want hope stark she may aswell be dead the quicker you can accept that and move on the better" she yelled ripping the helmet from his suit cutting the wires and throwing him away from her "who's next" she asked landing back on the ground "me im next" bucky said stepping forward she smiled lightly going to kick him again but he caught her leg she reached up slamming her fist into his chin "look what they've done to you" he said looking at the bruises across her body she shrugged "I deserved it" she said angrily walking towards him "your a child mercy you never deserved any of this" he shouted loosing his temper "stop saying that, I may be a child but I can make decisions for myself I don't need you to protect me anymore" she responded he blocked her punch catching her fist with his metal hand squeezing slightly she chanted and he was sent slamming into the ceiling "is this really what you want beatings everyday, killing people not being fed properly sleeping in a cold dirty room" he asked she nodded "it's exactly what I want" she spat kicking his leg which cracked loudly she threw him beside Tony Steve stepped forwards

"None of us want to fight you" he said softly she nodded "I know" she said softly "mercy your slacking and sparing lives I said kill them" fergus shouted "forgods sake fergus I'm going as quick as I can" she snapped tackling Steve to the ground slamming a punch into his cheek they were all reluctant to punch her or even lay a hand on her "Come on merc you don't have to do this" Steve said softly "actually I do, bosses orders" she replied sarcastically "kill your father and we can leave you can spare the rest we need to get going" fergus shouted mercy walked towards Tony putting up a barrier around them which none of the avengers could break through she wrapped her hands around his throat squeezing watching as his face turned blue she looked up at his eyes seeing the sadness in them she loved him of course she did and as much as she was really trying her love for Tony Stark was the only things she couldn't push to the side she dropped him Turning to fergus "I can't do it, I'll take whatever punishment I get for that" she said walking towards him he tutted loudly "the boys roughed you up pretty badly last time this time it's going to be so much worse" he said sickly "whatever fergus I'm not scared of you" she spat he cocked his head "at this rate I might let them have a little fun whilst there at it" he responded growing frustrated with her sass everyone knew what he was hinting at "and this time the winter soldier will not be there to stop them" he added Tony looked to Bucky finally understanding what he meant when he said he had protected and saved her "go ahead fergus I really couldn't give a shit" she snapped

"Mercy Come home" Bucky called "I will protect you if they come, you know I'll never ask you to change" he added she turned face him Clint shot another arrow at fergus which she caught she walked slowly over to Bucky "I really do love you" she said softly he half smiled at her "I love you too" he said back she turned walking over to Tony "I don't deserve you as my dad" she said "yes you do come home with me and things will be different this time I promise" he said softly "how do you know things will be different" she asked her eyes tired her voice cracking "it just will sweetheart you don't deserve this" he said softly "let's go mercy" fergus spoke angrily from behind her she turned to face him

"No!" She said sternly his eyes widened in shock "mercy" he said sternly she twitched slightly "I said no" she shouted her hands glowing "I'm not your solider  not anymore I am better than you better than this and I'm going home" she added turning to face Tony smiling lightly he ran forward wrapping his arms round her he cuddled into him she pulled away running to Bucky and wrapped her arms around him "I'm proud of you merc" he said softly she smiled slightly she quickly hugged Clint and Nat before running to Steve who caught her lifting her off the floor "its good to have you back" he smiled

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