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Tony barged into mercy's room not bothering to knock she was strumming her guitar lightly "come in" she sassed Tony reached for the instrument placing it down "we need to talk" he said she leant back against her head board staring blankly at him "what is up with you, you barley leave your room, you won't speak to me or pepper or Morgan and your always angry so angry and I haven't done anything wrong" Tony said growing fed up with the attitude he had been receiving from his daughter "nothing wrong huh" she repeated "well I haven't" he replied "yes you have" she snapped loudly he frowned "I was gone five years after what I can only describe as my own personal hell and I come back to this house, Morgan you and pepper got married you completely moved on with your life knowing that I was in space I heard you spent a few weeks in space and that it was hard on you but I bet it wasn't a fraction as bad as what I went through when I came back I went to see bucky and he had piles of books in his room different metals and when I asked him what it was he said he was trying to learn how to build something to come find me and you with your brains could have done it tony built something now I'm not saying I expected you to find me because I knew you wouldn't have but it would have been nice to know you tried to find me to know you fought for me but instead I found you with a new daughter despite the fact your other one was in stuck in space suffering it was hell Tony. Hell and I faced it alone I suffered alone and afraid and it's like you didn't even care you created this perfect world with your cute little cabin with your perfect wife and perfect daughter and I wasn't apart of that world I didn't fit in I'm just the bastard daughter who returned and spoilt everything you had built" she yelled loudly knowing Pepper could hear her but she was so angry she didn't care "merc" Tony said softly "why didn't you say you felt that way" he added "I shouldn't have to, I went through hell and you didn't even look for me, you just made a new daughter a perfect one this time" Mercy screamed her anger completely taking over like it usually did "I'm sorry I didn't look for you but I never tried to replace you" he replied "I can't even look at you" mercy mumbled looking down "I love you ,you know that right" he asked "them why did you abandon me" she asked "I didn't abandon you" he said softly "you just had other priorities" she scoffed "i should drowned and actually stayed dead on that planet" she screamed Tony looked at her in confusion "mercy what happened to you up there" he asked she chanted showing the wounds on her body "this happened I spent five years drowning over and over again and I'd dream of you saving me I should I have known you wouldn't come for me" she yelled furiously whilst Tony gasped "I had to almost kill myself to get out of the box I drowned in, and I wish I had died in that box and never woken up again. I would have died happy thinking you loved me and I had a family worth fighting for but now I hate you, I hate you for every single cut on my body ,each one a reminder that you let me suffer that you'd didn't give a shit" she screamed tonys eyes filled with water knowings she wished she was dead and that she hated him "you don't mean that you don't wish you were dead" he whispered

"I do because it's a lesser burden than hating you" she replied tears now in her eyes "I used to adore you, it was with you I felt comfort it was with you my bad dreams stopped and I felt loved I felt peace , but now I feel hatred deep rooted hatred I don't feel peace any more just anger" she said harshly Tony now had tears streaming down his face usually seeing him upset broke her heart but currently she didn't care she figured it was the least he deserved for forgetting her

"I'm sorry" he sobbed she looked down at her arms "me too" she mumbled looking directly at him "how can I make this right" he asked she shook her head "there's no making this right tony I don't want to see you ever again" she said opening a portal jumping through tony broke down into tears the moment she left

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