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Tony awoke around 7 am and checked on mercy she was laid on her bed frame again he had brought her a firmer Mattress but she still Insisted it was to soft and she liked sleeping on the frame despite how uncomfortable she looked to Tony but he learnt arguing with her was pointless he went through to the kitchen deciding he would make her breakfast after cooking bacon and eggs mercy awoke walking through to the kitchen

"Morning kid" he smiled she mumbled a hello back but didn't say much he placed down breakfast in front of her "thanks" she said grabbing a fork tucking in Tony wondered what she ate at hydra she always looked content when he made her food even something as simple as beans on toast he often wondered if they fed her anything at all "how'd you sleep" he asked mercy paused from eating "okay" she said he nodded "good, coming to work with me today" he asked she nodded not saying anything else

Stark knew the reason she wanted to go was to see bucky and as much as it bothered him he never questioned it "I was thinking I could teach you to drive the car later until we get your bike" Tony said standing up pouring a coffee "okay" she said he smiled to himself she hadn't said no like he expected her to and that was progress they left and went to the avengers building they pulled up and headed inside Steve and Natasha greeted them

"Hey Guys" Nat smiled mercy nodded lightly at her "what you been up to" Steve asked trying to make some conversation "I erm watched titanic" she said to Steve "did you cry" he asked she frowned "was I supposed to" she questioned Tony quickly mouthed no from behind her "er no" cap lied walking away mercy turned to Tony "why would anyone cry at titanic it's a comedy right?" She whispered to who sighed "er not exactly sweetheart" he said guiding her through the building "oh" she mumbled "we watched a comedy we watched grownups remember" Tony said she paused thinking

"I dont remember it being very funny" she mumbled Tony didn't know wether to be concerned or laugh "coming with me to the lab" he asked she nodded "sure" they took the elevator to his lab where they found banner "hey guys" banner spoke mercy sat down at a desk spinning a blade round her finger "where did that come from" Tony asked "I have loads" she said pulling another four one from her boot one from the waist band of her jeans and another two from some where else Tony didn't see

"Do you need one" she asked Tony he shook his head "no I'm good" he answered slipping off his lab coat "let's go teach you to drive" he said she stood up following behind her father she climbed in behind the wheel and he explained about her and gas "okay put your foot On the peddle" Tony said mercy nodded and the car went forward extremely slowly "what gear" mercy asked "oh I don't know I just make it up as I go what ever number I please" Tony said mercy let out a laugh "the person teaching me to drive can't drive" she laughed again Tony looked at her in shook shocked she had actually laughed he pinched his skin just to check he wasn't imagining it he broke out in a smile

"Progress" he mumbled to himself he let mercy drive home and they entered the house together and mercy went to shower "how was your day honey" pepper asked Tony smiled widely "she laughed today and I mean actually laughed" Tony told her she smiled back at him "that's good" she said he nodded "but she also though titanic was a comedy" he added "not so good" pepper mumbled

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