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"Ready kid" tony asked looking to mercy she nodded Walking beside her father who was in his suit and Natasha. Tony had insisted on accompanying the girls "you sure you okay with them being hydra agents hope" tony said cursing silently when he realised he had used her real name "mercy" she corrected "and I'm fine believe me, I feel no attachment....to anything really" she said back furrowing her brows "Eli" he asked she shrugged "he's a horse" she mumbled "so if I said shoot him you'd do it" tony questioned "depends if you dared me" she joked Tony could help but laugh at her dark sense of humour they walked in together

"I'll get the case you take them out" Nat said looking to Tony not particularly sure if the child should be accompanying them Nat had heard she was powerful but she hadn't seen the extent and doubted her power "stop, they have guns. Tony you go in" Nat said knowing Tony's suit was bullet proof "I got it" Mercy smiled slipping past Nat before they could stop her confidently she stood before the several men "hello boys" she smirked before turning to one In particular "Nathaniel you look well" she added lifting her hand and twisting her hand and his neck snapped and his body fell to the floor "fire" one shouted tony panicked and jumped in front of her surprised when he felt no bullets hit his suit and when he looked around every bullet had stopped in a line and mercy's hand was held out she twisted the bullets and slammed them into the men "I can handle myself" she scolded stepping past Tony who stood slightly in shock

Nat walked up grabbing the case opening it checking inside happy she had the vibranium she closed it again walking ahead "let's go" she smiled they headed back to hq and went to fury "nice work today, especially you Mercy" he said she nodded at him removing her black jacket and her and Tony left heading to car he got in the drivers seat before turning to mercy "what did you have to do on your missions with hydra" he asked curiously

"Bad things" she responded tony nodded "I know that, what's the worst thing you've done" he asked she turned her head away from the window "I don't think you want me to answer that Tony" she said fiddling with the bottom of her shirt "why's that" he questioned afraid he was pushing her too much "because I don't want to ruin how you see me , I like the way you look at me not like the others they still see mercy the ruthless killer the assassin but you don't see that... you see hope" she said softly "I'll never not see you that way, remember that" he replied

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