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"You want me, well guess what you got me" she screamed walking into the hydra base "you want a weapon how about a fucking goddess huh" she yelled again watching as they stepped out "you've returned to us, just like that no bribery not forcefully" one asked "I'm back no bribery no nothing just my own free will" she responded the man smiled widely "take her to her room" he said she walked willingly along side them to her room happy to see her metal bed frame

She sat on her bed like she used to everything was how she left it her drawings still on the wall a wardrobe full of clothes she changed out of her dress putting on a black t shirt and black cargo trousers her usual uniform whilst at hydra "mercy" a voice called approaching she knew it immediately "fergus" She mumbled he smiled widely at her men beside him "you came back willingly which is why I've lowered your punishment, boys" he said pointing to her the first walked up slamming his fist into her cheek she didn't retaliate but accepted the attack as she was punched again and again until she fell to the floor where they kicked her repeatedly in the stomach each blow making her cry out in pain she knew she could over power them in an instant but she didn't she figured a beating was the least she deserved she spat out the blood in her mouth groaning in pain hope stark would have cried at this moment but mercy pushed down any tears silently accepting the abuse she believed she deserved

"Enough" Fergus finally called they backed up smiling at their handy work her face was bruised and bleeding her arms had marks up and down and her stomach was bruised also "you can train if you'd like gyms open" fergus said walking away she hadn't trained at all since being with Tony she had been to the gym once or twice but that was all she could feel her self putting on weight she was usually extremely skinny and muscled but her muscles were now hardly visible and her strength was no where near what it had been she walked to the gym going to the long row of monkey bars she usually did without effort but today her arms failed her before she had even reached the middle she wasn't sure if it was because she was unfit or because her arms were bruised and aching she walked over to the running machine the iPod and headphones still beside every time she did good on a mission they would buy her things and on this occasion she had asked for music whilst she worked out she put the music on loud and began running on the machine for 12 miles which took her 2 hours still a good time considering she hadn't run in months now dripping in sweat she sat down for a break before going to the punching bag taking all her frustrations out on it "Mercy" Ferguson called walking in she stopped what's she was doing "you can continue" he spoke taking a seat in front of her

"The avengers are they likely to come for you" he asked "yes sir although they don't know this place exists" she told him he nodded "you've gotten fat" he added mercy nodded "believe me I know" she mumbled "how are you powers" he asked she stepped away from the bag and closed her eyes flying up off the ground "Good I see" he smiled "return to your room and sleep you'll have a mission in the morning" he said she nodded walking away silently to her room and she slept surprisingly well and woke changing for the day looking in the mirror her bruises looked worse today now they were black and purple she sighed throwing her hair up out of her face "ready" fergus spoke from behind her she nodded not bothering to respond walking along side him to the van climbing in the drive wasn't to long an hour at most "right go in kill anyone on sight and get the money hidden in the basement" Fergus told her she nodded and stepped out walking towards the building she pulled the gun from the back of her jeans shooting the first guy straight through the chest walking through the halls they shot at her but she put up a barrier stopping the bullets before shooting each one running Down Into the basement grabbing the case walking back to the door which was barricaded locked

"They've locked me in" she said through her ear piece "want me to send in help" fergus asked "no" she said quickly rising of the floor and flying up through the ceiling throwing the case to fergus "I'll kill the rest" she said chanting making a fire ball in her hand she threw it into the building chanting as it spread through the entire building screams of pain coming from inside she smiled to herself before walking into the van she went straight to her room cleaning her face wincing slightly in pain as the cloth bruised over her face "they hurt" fergus asked referring to her bruises "I've had worse" she answered he laughed lightly "you sure have" he said walking towards her gripping her cheeks causing her pain but she didn't show it "it's good to have you back mercy but cross us again and I'll kill you myself" he said before slapping her cheek and walking away "gyms open" he called walking away

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