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They got back to avengers hq and Pepper was waiting for them "hey pepps" mercy said softly pepper gasped slightly "what did they do to you" she asked mercy lifting her hand to the child's cheek "just a scratch" she said softly "no it's not sit down" Nat ordered applying ice to her cheek "my face ain't the problem" Mercy mumbled Nat furrowed her brows "you lot get out" mercy said looking towards Bucky Steve Clint and Tony they quickly did as they were told mercy pulled her shirt over her head showing her bruised stomach and chest now in only a bra and trousers but it was only Nat and she didn't mind "Jesus merc these must kill" she said "slightly" she groaned "these could have caused internal bleeding for all we know" she added mercy shrugged "nah I'm good" she mumbled pulling her shirt back on grunting in pain "so I guess we now know why you adore Bucky so much" Nat pointed out "he ran in before they could do anything he saved me and he took one hell of a beating for it" mercy mumbled Nat smiled softly at the girl "you don't deserve any of this" she said mercy shrugged wincing in pain "is it really bad" Nat asked "you tell anyone this and I will deny it but it hurts so bad I'm about to cry"

"I'll go get you some cream you can take home keep applying it, it'll help" she said mercy smiled "thank you" she smiled throwing her arms around nat unexpectedly Nat smiled lightly placing hers around mercy carful not to hurt her before walking away Tony bucky and Steve walked back in peter behind them mercy smiled widely standing up pushing through Steve and Bucky into peters arms wrapping her legs and arms around him he caught her hugging her tightly her bruises were aching and hurting but none of that mattered as she cuddled into peter she placed her legs down but didn't leave his embrace before finally pulling away peter Frowned when he saw her face "I'm fine" she reassured softly walking back over to her seat as her legs felt tired from the amount of working out she had forced herself to do

"Mercy" Bucky called she looked up at him "yes" she asked "have you eaten" he asked "no I'm starving" she groaned he laughed lightly "I'll go get you food, what do you want" he asked "burger" she smiled since she got to hydra and this moment all she had eaten was an apple peter ran after Bucky "I'll come" he shouted Tony walked And sat opposite her "you look like you have a million questions" she pointed out to Tony "just one" he answered mercy sat up slightly "ask away" she responded "were you really that unhappy here that you wanted to be there is that how bad of a father i am" he asked mercy felt bad he was a good father "I wasn't un happy but I wasn't happy either I just felt stuck with this endless amount of pressure to try and be someone I'm not and then I went darkside and I realised I had to accept that part of me so when I was stood on that rooftop I accepted it all and I knew there was one place that would also accept it, a place where I never felt sad or happy I always just felt nothing and in that moment that was all I wanted to feel" she answered happy with her response "they beat you, starve you, make you do bad things and you still chose that over me" he said sadly mercy shook her head

"It wasn't like that, I don't expect you to understand" she answered he sighed "I'm trying I'm really trying but I don't see it Merc I really don't" he answered snapping slightly which rifled her anger "I couldn't breath here, I was suffocating" she shouted before letting out a deep breath and sitting back down "at hydra I was just a girl who thought she had been experimented on, I wasn't a goddess, a
Friend, a daughter I was just Mercy and yes they beat me but before you none of it hurt this is what you don't understand I literally felt nothing. I just wanted that again and I won't apologise for that" she said he nodded in defeat "okay" he mumbled walking away she rolled her eyes leaning her head back in her chair closing her eyes she would have fallen asleep if Bucky hadn't arrived with food "here you go princess tuck in"he said handing her the takeaway bag from joe
Diner, her favourite.

"Tonys mad" she mumbled Bucky sat down in the seat Tony had sat in "he just doesn't understand" Bucky answered "I don't want him to I just want him to leave it. I'm home now" she said Bucky nodded he smiled sympathetically at her Tony walked back in "ready to head home in a bit" he asked mercy nodded sipping her milkshake Bucky had gotten her "ready" she said standing up stepping into buckys arms "be good" he told her she smiled lightly "always" she lied making him chuckle

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