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When Hope awoke she was laying on a couch she sat up and looked around her surroundings everything was expensively furnished with great taste she began to sit up

She saw the man and woman from before she jumped up arms ready for combat "it's okay we wish you no harm" the woman said softly trying to comfort the girl before her  "I'm pepper and this is Tony" she added "where are my swords" she asked panicked they were special to her "we have them" pepper said they both watched as the girl sighed in relief

Tony went and sat opposite her "I'm sorry it took us this long to find you" he said Mercy didn't know what to feel "there going to come for me you know" she warned to barley showing any emotion she seemed empty "let them come" Tony said she rubbed her eyes clearly still slightly worried "Jarvis up the security tonight" Tony said "yes mr stark" Jarvis responded

"Cool" Mercy said to herself  Tony smiled "it's still recognises you from when you were a child.. go ahead say hello" he said "hello" the girl said loudly "afternoon miss stark" the computer program responded "anything you need ask Jarvis" pepper told her "I take it I'm staying with you" the girl said  "unless you want to go back to hydra" Tony said She shook her head quickly figuring she'd enjoy her time away from hydra whilst she could it il they inevitably stole her back

Tony showed her to the room she would be staying in she sat on the bed thinking "can I have my swords" she asked Tony raised an eyebrow "there important to me" she said softly "and my motorbike" she frowned "if it's import to you it's important to me.. we'll go get your motorcycle at some point " Tony said she almost smiled but stopped her self Tony walked to the door "goodnight Hope" he said

"Goodnight" she responded she climbed into the bed which was so different compared to her hard metal frame she was used to sleeping on it was impossible to sleep in the end she pushed the mattress off and ended up sleeping on the bed frame

The next morning Tony entered the room to check on her to see her mattress on the floor and her asleep on the metal frame she looked rather uncomfortable she opened her eyes and he smiled at her she sat up "Are you okay" he asked looking at the mattress "it was too soft" she said "I'll buy you a firmer one of you want to buy anything just ask Jarvis to order it" Tony said she nodded and he left the room

Mercy sat he said she could buy anything she asked him to buy something and changed into some clothes and walked into the kitchen "Breakfast?" Tony asked "just some toast" she mumbled soon enough a slice of toast was before her

Pepper walked in "morning" she said Mercy was still unnerved by Tony and pepper "hi" she said quietly "miss stark your delivery is here" Jarvis said She stood and walked out of the door tony and pepper walked out curious as to watch she had brought and saw her stroking a horse

"You brought a horse" Tony exclaimed she nodded and climbed on his back she rode him around quickly before mounting off him again "we don't even have stables" Tony said "it's not like you can't afford to build one" she sassed pepper walked over to the horse stroking its mane "where'd you learn to ride" pepper asked trying to make a conversation with the girl but she always have short answers and didn't really talk much

"An old friend" the girl responded ambiguously Tony paid for people to come build a stable he walked over to his daughter "what are you calling the horse then she's very pretty" Tony asked "firstly it's a stallion meaning it's a boy and I named him eli" she said quickly Tony watched as her brows furrowed as she realised how much she was beginnings To talk "weird name but sure" Tony said "I'm glad your here kiddo" he said she looked up at him but said nothing

"I'm going to work you can come if you'd like" he said she nodded she wanted to get out of the house it all felt a little confining she put Eli in his stable and left with Tony they drove to a massive building with an A on the side when it clicked "your an avenger" she said he nodded they walked inside through the security and into a room with several people in it

"Everyone this is my daughter hope" Tony said she said hi quietly as everyone stood in shock "do I know you" a man she knew as Hawkeye said "yes I was the girl that broke your nose in Romania that time" She said he nodded "that would be it" he mumbled mercy suddenly realised how nervous she was. Fighting people she could handle communicating with them was a harder task

She hadn't noticed the small surge of magic flowing from her hands a girl with shortish red hair looked at her hands "are you okay" she said She quickly pushed her hands together "yeah I should probably mention she has a power" Tony said at this point a man with long blonde hair walked in he smiled at her and tony introduced her "Thor, prince of Asgard, god of thunder" he said smiling again

Something in her expression changed her eyes lit up slightly Tony instantly noticed "Loki's brother?" She asked he nodded "do you know him" Thor asked she didn't respond "is he here" she asked "he's in a prison in Asgard" he said everyone stood confused "can I see him" she asked praying he would say yes Thor left the room and went outside to summon the bi frost and re appeared with Loki holding on to his arms

They were facing away from her "Loki" she said he turned and instantly struggled out of Thor's grip and pulled her into a hug everyone stood and watched  "it's been so long, you look so grown up" Loki said "I missed you" she said sadly  Loki looked around at everyone "are you alright, have they hurt you because if they have" he said she calmed him "they haven't hurt me" she said soothingly

"The swords" he said looking at them on her waist she nodded "they never leave my side" she told him Thor stepped forward "how do you two know each other" he asked  "we met on my mission, he saved my life." She said Thor grabbed ahold of Loki again "back to Asgard brother" he said "what no please" she shouted Loki stepped forward placing his arms around her

"It's ok merc I'll be back" he said he started speaking in a language that know one new except Mercy it translated to "your more powerful than you know, never be afraid of the powers you posses. Promise me you'll never let these people exploit your power and find him I know deep down it's what you want" he said everyone stood in confusion "what language is that" Tony asked everyone shrugged "Jarvis translate" he asked "I'm sorry sir that language is ancient Latin and no ones should be able to speak the language anymore" he responded

Mercy stepped forward and said "I promise, be good and careful,  I will find the way to free you and him" she said back in Latin as everyone stood confused "Thor take him away" Hawkeye said and they were both gone

"What did he say" the guy that was called Bruce banner asked "that's my business" She said sitting down calmly

His Angel (Tony Starks Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now