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Tony had convinced mercy to come with him to some party the avengers were having and everyone would be there she had protested at first but eventually gave in to tonys pleading eyes she changed into a simple tight black dress and curled her hair and her and Tony headed there together and walked in side by side some of the people she didn't recognise a man walked over to the two Tony hugged him quickly "oh my god look at you, your all grown up" he exclaimed "this is your uncle Rhodey" Tony told her she said hello politely "hey stark get over here" Clint and Nat shouted "I guess that's your cue" Rhodey said looking to Tony he shook his head "she's stolen my nickname I've gone back to Tony" he laughed Mercy quickly excused her self walking to Nat and Clint

"What do you want to drink" Nat asked walking behind the bar "vodka" she said looking around the room "just vodka" he asked mercy nodded Nat poured the drink and mercy took it swallowing it all in one before looking around the room again "Bucky coming" she asked bag shrugged her shoulders "ask Steve" Clint responded she jumped of her stool and over to Steve

"Hey old man where's my Bucky" she asked "he said he was coming" Steve responded smiling at the girl a man walked up beside Steve "sam, nice to meet you" he said hand held out "mercy" she responded looking at his hand before lightly shaking it "you tonys kid" he asked she nodded at him "yeah?" She responded in a questioning manner "your prettier than I had anticipated" he added she furrowed her brows "your lucky dad made me promise no fighting and no magic tonight" she muttered Steve laughed loudly as Sam folded his arms "I see you have your fathers wit" he mumbled she nodded a fake smile plastered on her face

"Peter" she called when she saw him he walked over to her smiling "hey, you look... pretty" he said blushing lightly "thanks" mercy responded "how's your day been" he asked shoving his hands in his pockets "I've been dragged her so not good" she joked peter laughed lightly "dance with me" she asked "sure" she grabbed his hand pulling him with her to the dance floor she danced happily until Clint thought it would be funny to put on a slow dance she turned to glare at him but she wasn't about to shy away she stepped forward placing her arms around peters neck and his moved to settle above her waist

"They suck" she mumbled as they awwwd loudly peter laughed lightly "agreed" he mumbled "so your a goddess now which is the totally freaking awesome obviously I thought that about you anyway but" he began to speak "slow down your rambling" she said he took a breath "sorry" he mumbled "it's fine I like your rambling" she smiled lightly "what did you think of me the first time you met me" she asked curiously both still dancing lightly "that you were the biggest bitch and hated me but I don't think that now" he responded she furrowed her brows "what do you think now" she asked "that your sweet" he said softly "I wouldn't let anyone else throw me in the sea or wind me up the way you do but some how you get away with it all there's just something about you peter Parker that I can't get angry at" she smiled as he grabbed her hand twirling her back into his arms "smooth" she said

"To be honest I wasn't sure if I'd drop you or not but figured I'd give it ago and if I did drop you at least I knew you can't get angry at me" he said a grin on his face "idiot" she mumbled "so what did you think of me first told you met me" he asked she paused for her second "you'd be surprised but I actually really liked you, you never wanted me to talk and never asked millions of questions you'd just tell me random little stories and ramble" she said leaning up on her tippey toes placing a kiss of his cheek before pulling back and going to walk away peter reacted quickly grabbing her hand spinning her back round to him placing his lips against hers he had taken her by surprise his hand gently cupping her cheek before pulling back she smiled widely "I should er go get a drink I'll see you in a bit" she smiled "yeah definitely dehydration is a killer" he said back the two both haven gotten shy he began to walk away "wait peter" she said he turned back round and she placed a quick kiss on his lips before walking away the moment she turned around she saw everyone looking at her smiling she rolled her eyes and put her head down "excuse me daughter of mine" tony shouted "no boys" he teased she rolled her eyes "Well he technically initiated the kiss so tell him off" she responded blushing lightly going to the bar running away from her father who laughed "little shit" he mumbled "did I witness what I think I just witness" Nat asked "yes" she mumbled blushing "looks like tonys doing his fatherly intimidating talk" Nat said pointing to Tony and peter merc let out a laugh "so you like peter" Nat asked mercy sat up on a bar stool "I guess" she whispered

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