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2weeks later

"Dad where's my shoes gone" mercy shouted Tony sighed whilst laughing lightly walking to the cupboard "right there" he mumbled pointing to them she thanked him slipping them on her feet "let's go" Tony said chucking her the keys she drove straight to avengers hq she had mentioned wanting to speak to Thor but Tony didn't ask many questions she ran ahead "Thor" she shouted towards the Asgardian god he turned to face her smiling "how can I help" he asked "I'm having magic issues" she said holding out her hand trying to light a flame but it sparked out she sighed giving up

"You need your weapon" he said she paused in confusion "I have my hammer, posideon had a sceptre and you were prophesied to have a sword the flaming sword the one that would kill me, so I hid it but now the prophecy is undone you can retrieve it the longer your away from it the weaker you will become it's like your anchor" Thor said she rubbed her eyes "where is it" she asked "a planet far from here" he answered "I have to go don't I" she whispered he nodded she turned on her heel "dad" she called loudly he walked through she explained she had to go to space but Tony wasn't having it "nope not happening" he said quickly she softened slightly "I have to" she said he sighed "I'll come back Thor says the journey should take me 3 months tops" she added he nodded "okay" he whispered hugging her tightly she closed her eyes feeling comfort in his embrace "I love you" she whispered he smiled "I love you too kiddo" he said back they spent the next two days preparing together Tony and banner built her a ship and she was finally ready to go everyone had come to say goodbye

She ran into nats arms first "stay safe" Nat said softly mercy nodded before hugging Clint turning to face Steve "bring it in old man" she smirked he rolled his eyes holding her tightly she looked at peter leaning up placing her lips against his he smiled into the kiss wrapping his arms around her waist until the two pulled apart mercy quickly hugged Thor before turning to her two father figures she hugged Bucky tightly "I'll be back before you know" she said softly he nodded kissing the top of her head she turned to Tony "you be good" Tony warned she laughed slightly "I'll try" she responded stepping out of his hug waving  climbing into the ship taking off they all watched as she disappeared into the sky

She reached the planet in 14 days she landed looking around the seemingly empty planet but she knew it was here her magic had improved she could light flames she spent 3 weeks searching for it her spells finally told her it was at the bottom of the ocean she ran to her ship sending a message "I'm now going to get it I'll be home in 2 weeks" and she ran diving into the ocean

Back on earth

"How do we know we won't fail again" banner asked "because you didn't have me" carol responded all the avengers looked around each other "we all know who we need" Thor said everyone nodded "we need her" Tony said sadly "who is she" carol asked "her name is mercy and she's the most powerful person I've ever met" nat said

"You have me now" carol said smugly "you may be powerful but compared to her you are just as useless as him" Thor said pointing at war machine who threw his arms up in annoyance glaring at the god "she is the definition of power" Thor added clint smiled lightly "she'd wear a smile like loaded gun who's hand never wavered of the trigger" he added "she was living proof you could walk through hell and return an angel" Tony said speaking fondly of his daughter "we can't wait for her she's going to be another 2 weeks" Steve said in annoyance "we have to do this now" he added

His Angel (Tony Starks Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now