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5 years later

Nothing had gone to plan Mercy was lost the moment she jumped into the ocean but she wasn't a quitter it took five years for mercy to escape her own personal hell but now she had the sword she felt beyond powerful she ditched the ship flying towards earth as approached avengers hq she saw the war she flew quicker, the massive alien creature began shooting at her but she deflected the attacks

"What is that" Rhodey shouted looking up at the sky "Friday" Tony questioned "something's entered the upper atmosphere" the voice responded Tony squinted "she's here" he shouted throwing his arms up a loud cheer was heard from all the avengers who knew who she was mercy flew down to the ground landing in front of her father "hey dad" she smiled he ran to her embracing her in his arms "what did I miss" she asked "oh right yeah, bad guys take them out" he shouted running into the crowd she floated up off the floor killing a load seeing peter curled up on the floor some girl was stood over him flew over as he shoved the gauntlet into his chest running over to mercy she smiled as he threw his arms around her waist kissing her quickly "it's good to see you too parker" she smiled killing the alien running at them "Now I want my own shot at thanos" she said kissing his cheek flying over to thanos

"Hey" she smiled he turned to face her she smashed her fist into his cheek kicking him back he got up quickly connecting his fist with her stomach she laughed lightly as it barley affected her swinging her sword he dodged quickly she slammed him with a blast of magic and he fell into the floor he got back up again quickly sending multiple of his men at her she killed them all effortlessly "merc" she heard a voice she turned running "Bucky" she smiled hugging him tightly he smiled widely Steve ran up next to the two "well hello worthy one" mercy laughed looking at the hammer in his hand "welcome back kid" he smiled running into the chaos "try and keep up" he added playfully she laughed following after him and the two began fighting thanos army when they began to disappear into ash "Steve" she shouted he scanned around his eyes falling on something sadness filling his face she followed his gaze seeing Tony on the floor peter stood by him she ran towards him "dad" she screamed skidding to the floor beside him "you can rest now" pepper said softly "no" mercy shouted "I'll take it I'll take it all" she said quick closing her eyes "Mercy Enough" Tony tried to stop her she chanted furiously "come on" she sobbed "dad, daddy" she begged chanting again when she was slammed back in pain she screamed out as the pain took over she body but she saw Tony open his eyes before hers closed

"Hope" Tony shouted running to her "she's breathing" he said quickly watching as her hand was slowly healing "she's doing it she taking it all" Thor exclaimed in amazement "she'll be okay" Tony asked Thor nodded "she's going to be okay" he reassured mercy sat up with a gasp her eyes glowing she ran into Tonys arms "I did it" she breathed he nodded cuddling her tightly "you did it" he smiled she turned to face everyone seeing two faces missing "Nat" she asked clint shook his head she turned to Thor "Loki" she asked he shook his head mercy's eyes filled with tears "no no no no" she sobbed Bucky hugged her as she sobbed in his arms "come on let's take you home" Tony said she nodded following after him in silence

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