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They pulled up to a cabin in the woods "new place" merc asked Tony nodded mercy smiled when she saw Eli running over to him hugging his neck "hey boy" she whispered when she heard a small but loud voice "daddy" the voice shouted mercy turned around to see a small child run into tonys arms he picked her up holding her tightly the girl looked over at mercy and Tony walked towards his eldest daughter "mercy this is your sister Morgan" he said Morgan smiled mercy smiled back politely staring at the child looking back up at Tony "I need a minute" she said quickly flying into the sky she flew straight to Steve's house knocking he answered "hey" he smiled but noticed she was unhappy "what's up" he asked "Tony has a new daughter he literally replaced me" she said quickly Steve sat Mercy down "im sure he didn't" Steve said softly she scoffed "what happened to you, you were on your way home and we didn't see you for five years your eyes display pain your shut off" he said able to read her she sighed "what happened" he pressured

"I landed on the planet it was empty and bare I flew for days until I found an ocean i used magic to help locate the sword it was at the bottom of the ocean the deepest and darkest part there was a statue of Thor I sent the message and dived to the bottom I smashed the statute open to reveal the sword I picked it up and everything caved in on me I was trapped it was made off some strong metal and there were carvings on the walls ancient runes blocking my magic" 

"What happened how did you escape" Steve asked

"I drowned time and time again I kept hallucinating that someone came and saved me different dreams everyday you, Loki, winter, Tony, peter, pepps everyday one of you would appear and save me and I'd swim to the top of the ocean and I'd gasp for breath and everything would go back and I'd wake up trapped and drowning again. The thirty seconds before I drowned again I studied the runes on the wall and used them myself till I found a way to break the seal" I said sadly looking down

"How'd you break the seal" he asked she closed her eyes chanting Steve gasped slightly as he saw the bright red bleeding carvings all over her body "mercy" he breathed she chanted quickly making them disappear "they hurt" he asked she nodded knowing lying to him was impossible he always could see straight through her he was the only one who could he understood her like that

"Oh merc" he mumbled his heart aching for the girl "I'm sorry" he added she shrugged "wasn't your fault was it" she responded "I shouldn't have let you go" he said sternly she laughed lightly "it's not like you could have stopped me" she replied "let me see again" he asked she closed her eyes and they appeared again "just on your arms and legs" he asked she pulled up her top revealing her stomach and pulling the top down slightly to show they were all over her chest and went up to her neck he sighed sadly "you have to tell Tony" he said she furrowed her brows "or I will" he added "I don't want to tell Tony or anyone I told you because I trusted you I thought you'd understand seeing as you were trapped in the ice for so long, clearly that was my mistake" she snapped flying of his balcony straight to buckys places landing on his balcony knocking on the door to his shared apartment with Sam "hey sweetheart" he smiled embracing her in his arms

"Hey buck" she mumbled ignoring the pain she was getting from her wounds "you okay" he asked she nodded "yeah fine just wanted to see you" she lied looking around the flat it was nice "what's all this" she asked "when you didn't come back in two weeks I began panicking and tried to build a spaceship to come get you but then got snapped away" he replied she laughed lightly "I was thinking maybe I could stay with you for tonight" she asked he smiled at her "you know I'm always happy to have you here but what about Tony" he asked she shrugged "trust me he'll cope fine with out me I just want to be with you tonight, maybe we could go bowling again or something" she asked he nodded "of course, Sam mercy's staying the night" he shouted "ok" he shouted back merc laughed lightly "come on let's go" Bucky smiled they both ran down the stairs racing to the bottom they got to the bowling alley and played against each other bucky won "is there reason we're matching outfits" he pointed out mercy laughed pulling out her phone making Bucky take a picture with her

"Mr stark mercy's phone is in use" Jarvis told Tony who had been searching for his daughter he pulled out his and the image of her and Bucky appeared on the screen "great" he mumbled "Wanna go to a fun fair" Bucky shouted loving seeing the smile she had displayed in the time they had spent together "yes" she shouted he walked out paying for the game and they got a taxi to the fair

"We have another update on Mercy" Jarvis said Tony was in the bowling alley and unable to find her he looked at the picture "a fun fair" he mumbled rolling his eyes heading there scolding his daughter for being smart enough to turn of tracking 

"Come on let's do something else" mercy asked as the fair closed "party" Bucky asked "yes" she exclaimed happily They brought outfits and headed there Tony got to the fun fair looking around "sir we have two new updates" Jarvis said Tony rolled his eyes in annoyance "are they at a rave" he asked "I'm going to kill him" he added

He went to every single rave in the city when he finally saw mercy on buckys back as he carried her out the bar the two giggling "mercy" Tony said sternly she looked up at him "is she drunk" he added looking to Bucky "shes a little intoxicated" he laughed she jumped of his back "Come on I'm taking you home" Tony said she scoffed "I'm staying with buck tonight" she replied "no your coming home" he said sternly she laughed at him "I can do what I'm like I'm not a kid Tony and I want to stay with Bucky" she replied the same sternness in her voice "hope Maddison stark" he shouted as she began to walk away she turned to face him anger displayed on her face "what is going on with you, you left without saying anything Steve said you had left his upset but you don't look very upset to me" Tony scoffed "don't pretend like you can read me" she snapped "I'll be home tomorrow" she added creating a portal something new she had learned pulling Bucky through they arrived at a beach "let's do something else" she asked he turned to face her "what's this really about why do you keep pressing to do things instead of going home to bed it's five in the morning" he asked softly "because I don't want to sleep" she admitted "something went wrong up there didn't it" Bucky asked looking up at the star full sky she sat down looking into the sky "it's a scary out there" she mumbled he nodded "whatever happened to you up there you have to forget it your here now and no ones ever going to let something happen to you" he comforted this is what she loved about Bucky he wasn't pressing to know what was wrong like Tony would be he was simply just there for her "I'm not scared of the unknown or what's out there I'm not scared at all, you know when you've been through something so traumatic it embeds in your brain, keeps you up, haunts you in your dreams how'd you move past that" she asked "I don't think I can answer that for you merc that's something you have to do for you and when you do you'll come out of it stronger than you were before" he reassured she smiled softly "now what's your deal with stark" he asked she frowned "he's got a new kid, he got married, moved out into a new home he completely moved in in those five years knowing I was still out there not knowing if I was safe or hurt he still slept peacefully at night and then has the audacity to claim he cares but he didn't care when I wasn't here" she said angrily Bucky nodded he couldn't disagree with her "talk to him" Bucky suggested she shrugged "why'd you leave Steve's upset you two are really close" he asked "he gave me an ultimatum I confided in him because he'd been in a situation similar but turns out he's not a trustworthy as I thought" she replied sadly "I can't speak for Tony or anyone else but I can speak for Steve and I know he loves you his intentions whatever they were came from a place of caring and love" he told her she nodded "your the best you know that right" she smiled he laughed lightly "I know I know" he teased

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