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Pepper Tony and mercy got back to the house and mercy went and showered stepping out changing into her pjs and walking back into her en suite bathroom wiping the steam from the mirror finally realising how awful she looked she winced slightly running her hand across her face letting a tear slip down her cheeks her bruises were purple and prominent and she had dark circles under her eyes which were puffy from crying "I am hope stark, Tony Stark is my father, Bucky Barnes is my saviour, Steve Rogers is my best friend, peter Parker is the boy I like" she repeated to herself like it would eventually embed in her brain she lifted her hand to the mirror smashing her fist into it unable to look at herself any longer a reminder of the disappointment she had become she walked to sit on her bed holding her hand over her bruised leg attempting to heal herself but nothing was happening she held out her palm attempting to light a flame in her hand but a spark was all she could muster she sighed laying back on the bad grabbing her tennis ball throwing it against the wall and catching it again repeatedly whilst thinking relentlessly after a while tony came through "you okay kiddo" he asked interrupting her pointless trail of thoughts she shrugged he laid down next to her on the bed catching the ball before and throwing it at the wall "watch'a thinking about" he asked

"Everything I guess, are you angry I left" she asked he shook his head "no, I don't understand it but I'm not angry" he answered continuing to throw the ball "look at it this way when things got to much for you when i was taken you turned to alcohol to take away the pain, I turned to hydra as my coping mechanism as stupid as that sounds" she replied catching the ball bouncing it off the wall for Tony to catch "it's doesn't sound stupid, you could have turned to me" he said softly she nodded "I know, but I'm not one to admit when I'm not okay" she said calmly "I'm sorry I pushed you to them to the people that did that to you" he said sheepishly looking at her beaten face she hated that he was feeling guilty "don't blame yourself, I should have been stronger, I am stronger than that. I lost sight of who I was, what I want to become" she responded throwing the ball "and what's that" Tony asked curiously "I don't want to be mercy but I'm never going to be hope stark either, for now I just want to be a girl who likes the cute nerdy boy, who likes riding her horse and painting and watching movies with her dad" she smiled Tony couldn't help but also smile "I like that idea" he responded "want to watch a film" he added she smiled sitting up "ow" she exclaimed "still hurting" Tony asked she nodded "hopefully not for much longer" she responded leading the way to the living room crashing down next to Pepper "hey pepps" she smiled Pepper smiled back "hey sweetheart" she responded "I missed you" pepper added mercy smiled widely "I missed you to pepps" she replied

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