Chapter 2: Ben

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I think Ben looks like this with green eyes, and lighter golden hair. Thanks for waiting and I hope you're liking this story. Here's chapter 2!

Erica's house
9:00 PM
June 10th

Erica's POV:
Man, I was so tired, I just got home from another successful mission in Brazil so I had the darkest tan and my hair was a little lighter because of all the sun. It occured to me that I had 725 texts from Ben since I graduated, but I never answered because of all the missions I've been on. He texted me every day, with some nice question or funny picture. I instantly felt horrible, if Ben still liked me, that would be heartbreaking, not to mention the fact that no matter how hard I try, I like Ben. When I first met him he was scrawny and nerdy, but caring, sweet, and most importantly loyal. That meant a lot to me because the first guy I liked betrayed me and my country, and what was his country. 

Ben was a D- student when he arrived, but he kept working hard to improve. Soon he was getting B's and C's and the last 5 years he was there, he was getting all A's. His previously weak body grew stronger and more muscular every time he worked out. His hair got lighter, like a golden color and his dark green eyes got lighter. His jawline became sharp and well-defined. He even had an 8 -pack. But no matter how cute, muscular, and sweet he was, I pushed him away, hid all my emotions, and told him we could never be together, all because of that jerk Joshua. Even though Ben was more loyal than anyone I know, I pushed him away because was scared of being betrayed again. I feel so stupid. He's probably moved on; he probably forgot me. I remember when he and Zoe started dating; I hated him for leaving me, and I hated Zoe, my one girl best friend, for taking him away from me. And then, it hit me, he was never mine and she didn't take him from me. I pushed him away and right into her arms. I remember how every time he asked me out, I went and was so happy, but then the fear kicked in and I told him we couldn't be a couple. 

Every sign of emotion I showed I replied with, "It's for the mission," or "It's because I owed you." But no matter how much I pushed him away, he came back, trying anything he could because he loved me. And he broke up with Zoe because he loved me. 

But I couldn't even respond to his texts, simple things like, "Hey, how are you?" "How's life?" How's the mission going?" "I really miss you!" or even "I really wish you were still at Spy School! It's not the same without you!" The last text he sent me was "Well, I guess I'll stop texting you because you never answer and have probably forgotten me. But I want you to know that I'll never forget you and I love you!" I read it and started softly crying. 

He thought I forgot about his golden hair that was shiny and soft. How he ran his hand through it when he got especially nervous "dates" to calm himself down. He thought I could forget those gorgeous, bright green eyes, and his tan, muscular body; his perfect jawline. But he thought I didn't remember his caring, sweet, loyal personality. There is no way that I could ever forget Ben Ripley, simply because, as much as I hated it, I was in love. Stop that right now. You are Erica Hale, the superspy, you are not in love. Yes I am, it's better to admit it, I hate it too, but if anyone deserves me, it's him. But you can't be, what about work? It's far more important than a boy! Snap out of it! But, he's sweet and loyal! It seemed like Joshua was too, but he's the reason you are like this. Cold and distant, may make you lonely but it keeps you from getting hurt like that again. It's been 7 1/2 years! Maybe it's time to open yourself up a little. 

"You know what, I'll ask my mom, Catherine Hale, she clearly knows more about this than I do, and she's always rooted for the 2 of us." I said to no one but myself.

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