Chapter 20: Movies and Starbucks

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I know it's not really creative, but it's the best I got right now. This is the song referenced later, you don't need to listen to it, but if you don't know the tune, you might want to.

The Mall
2:30 PM
June 18th

Ben's POV:
We both decided that we should go out so I asked if she wanted to go see a movie and we agreed on Men in Black and we decided to see Last Christmas as well. They were both really good and the entire time, my arm was on her shoulder, and hers on mine. I loved her so much more every single second I spent with her. 

I can't believe I get to spend the rest of my life with her.

"Wanna get some Starbucks?" 

"Yeah, sure." I took her hand in mine and we walked to Starbucks. "What do you want?" 

"Cappuccino please." I ordered two and grabbed them as we went to sit at a table. 

"So, what's on your mind?" She asked. 

"I don't know. I just feel bad for you, given the first guy you liked betrayed you and the country, and yet I don't know anything about him. I guess I kinda feel in the dark. But I understand. It hurt and still does so you don't like talking about it." I sighed. 

"... That's fair. Well I remember when I was in third year, and he was in 5th, around the beginning of January. Around the tenth I think. It was around a week before you came. It was warm and sunny, which was surprising for D.C., especially then. We had just finished class and he asked me to meet him by the shooting range in about half an hour. I had decided I was gonna ask him out, so when I arrived, I was surprised when I couldn't find him, I mean, he told me to meet him. I turned around and found him right there. Our faces were mere inches apart. We both blushed slightly. I was about to ask, when he grabbed my hand and lead me to a cliff deep in the woods on Academy property. There was a plaid blanket He sat down and motioned for me to do the same. I did and he pulled some pasta and salad out of a basket he had brought. He handed me a plate and we ate in silence, but it wasn't awkward. It was peaceful. We finished and he grabbed my hand carefully as he pulled me up. He pressed a button on his phone and a Cody Simpson song started to play. It was called pretty brown eyes. And to my surprise, he started to sing.

"I like this right here
This girl she came round the corner

Looking like a model
Magazine figure
She was shaped like a bottle
Long straight hair
She was fly as a bird
First time ever
I was lost for words
Felt so right
Just couldn't be wrong
Love at first sight
If that exists at all
I couldn't move
Felt like I was stuck
And then baby girl looked up
And I said

Hey there pretty blue eyes
Whatcha doing later tonight?
Would you mind if I spent a minute with you?
And I said
Hey there pretty blue eyes
Whatcha doing later tonight?
Would you mind if I spent a minute with you?
This girl she was a little hottie
She knows she's got it
Came from the city so she loves to party
The JT song make her move that body
She's dancing all night long
I could tell that she was a wild one
That's why I was shy at first
But I finally worked up the nerve
And I said
Hey there pretty blue eyes
Whatcha doing later tonight?
Would you mind if I spent a minute with you?
And I said
Hey there pretty blue eyes
Whatcha doing later tonight?
Would you mind if I spent a minute with you?
Spend a little bit
A little bit of time with you
Spend a little bit
A little bit of time with you
Spend a little bit
A little bit of time with you
Spend a little bit
A little bit of time with you
Hey hey little pretty blue eyes

Don'tcha ever be looking at them other guys
'Cause ain't never had no surfer like me
Start swimming over here and ride my wave
'Cause I see that you party like there's no tomorrow
Let's leave the party
I'll grab my guitar
I got the keys
So jump in my car
Sit back, relax
Australia's kinda far
Hey there pretty blue eyes
Whatcha doing later tonight?
Would you mind if I spent a minute with you?
And I said
Hey there pretty blue eyes
Whatcha doing later tonight?
Would you mind if I spent a minute with you?
Spend a little bit
A little bit of time with you
Spend a little bit
A little bit of time with you
Spend a little bit
A little bit of time with you
Spend a little bit
A little bit of time with you"

He even made it about me. I was surprised and blushed. "Would you... be my boyfriend?" He looked like every fiber of his being wanted to say yes. 

But he said, "I would, but I'll just end up hurting you, and I wouldn't be able to live with myself." 

"Please, Josh, I reeeally like you, and from what I can tell, you like me." He froze and seemed lost in thought. 

"Okay, but if I hurt you, I will not stay with you. I will distance myself far away and stop any and all contact with you. Permanently. Unless absolutely necessary. Understand?" 

"That's a risk I'm willing to take." 

"Okay then. Will you... dance with me?" 

"Absolutely." We danced for a while, but when I went back to my dorm, I was thrilled. A few days later, around the 13th, he was talking to his 2 friends, Zach and Harry, and said he only dated me so he wouldn't break my heart. I was crushed. I walked up to him and dragged him away. 

"Is that true?" 


"Did you only agree so you wouldn't break my heart?" 

"You heard that? Uh... no, I just can't talk about that kinda stuff with them."  I was confused. 

"Do you like me?" 


"Well? Joshua Hallal I want an answer and I want it now." 


"So you don't. Because if you did you would have said something already?" I remember tears rolling down my cheeks. 

"No, I do but I am 2 years older than you, and people will mock me and you. And I'll take every second of it, but in a year and a half I'll graduate, while you'll probably have moved on here."

The bell rang and we headed to class. But I could tell he seemed different. More stressed and cold, which hurt. He seemed to focus less and I could tell something was wrong. A few days passed. On the 15th, a bomb exploded in his room, killing him. Normally he would have noticed, but he was stressed and tired, so he didn't notice. Except, as you know this was just a cover up. But it still hurt, and of course I didn't know that then.

I was shocked she had shared this much. "Wow, I'm so sorry. So you guys dated?" 

"Yeah, for three days. And it's okay. It wasn't you, it was him. But thanks for listening. I know I talked a lot. I hadn't told anyone and I really wanted to tell you." 

"Absolutely. I didn't mind. I love listening to you talk. Wanna head home?" 

"Yeah, let's go."

Here's your Jerica flashback @Alpha12321, sorry it's not great, but that's only because it literally PAINED me to write. But, a promise is a promise, so I did it.

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