Chapter 46: He'll Be Okay Baby

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Hey, so sorry for the wait but here's update one. It goes back a lil bit, you'll see.

Living Room
Mike's Apartment
5:30 PM
July 19th

Zoe's POV:
When we found out, Mike was crushed. He spent all evening pacing around the apartment once we got home from dinner with Catherine and Erica. I'd gone to stay with him since he was my boyfriend after all.

When we headed to meet them, he seemed okay. In pain but managing. But after a little while, I could clearly tell he wasn't.

No one was. 

Erica was staring off into space, Catherine was watching her sadly, and Mike was holding back tears.

After a while I grabbed Mike's arm and helped him to the car, with a small nod to Catherine.

As we sat there quietly I took his hand in mine and rested it on my thigh.

"Mike, it's okay to be upset. It's okay to cry. It's okay to be sad. Mad. Hurt. Scared. Worried. But if you need to talk, I'm always here baby. I understand you knew him the longest and you're his best friend, but so are we. I mean I was the first friend he made when he arrived at Spy School. I'm worried about him too. But I'm also worried about you. You don't need to act like this doesn't upset you. We're here for you. He'll be okay baby."

"I hope so."

"Me too."

We went back in and ate in silence. Catherine shot me a look saying she talked to Erica. And then one with that fangirl shipper smirk at me and Mike. I laughed and shook my head.

We then went to his apartment to hang out. And I wasn't going to leave him alone there all night. He had a nice place. Really nicely decorated. 

'Ben helped,' he'd said when I asked him about it, 'or maybe I helped and he did basically everything.' He resumed his pacing.

"Mike sweetheart he's gonna be okay."

"But what if he won't?" He asked, his voice cracking.

I walked and gently put my arms around his neck.

"He'll be okay baby."

I leaned in and kissed him. When we pulled away he had that dumb wolfish grin as always, but I could see he was still hurting. Really badly.

"Just trust me Mike. Please. I love you."

"I love you too."

"He'll be okay."

"How do you know he will?"

"He's survived much worse. He's pretty much immortal. He always takes it too far and gets hurt badly, but he ends up okay every time."

"This time could be different."

"Let's hope not."

I kissed him again and ruffled his hair like he was a little kid, gaining a small smirk.

"See? You just have to focus on the good things. And don't worry too much about him."

"He's like my brother Zo. We've been friends since like forever. Of course I'm going to worry."

"I know you're gonna worry. I am too. But that can't be the only thing on either of our minds. (If this sounds rude or selfish it's not supposed to, I just struggled with this wording lol) He's one of my best friends, but the more we worry, the harder it'll be. It could be weeks. We need to do things to distract ourselves and be there for each other. You, me, and all our friends, our family. We need to stick together through this. All of us. We have each other's backs. It's what we do. We're a family."

"I know."

"And he's survived worse. 

"I know but I still worry every time."

"I understand. But until he wakes up I'm gonna stay here with you. If that's okay?"

"That'd be great. Thanks Zo."

"No problem baby. Here, come sit down next to me. I wanna cuddle."

He walked over and sat right next to me. He put his arms around me and I buried my head into his shoulder. 

We lay there silently. Not awkward. Just peaceful. 

Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing. I love how we are happy together but don't need to say a word. And it never gets boring or weird. It's like we know each other so well that there is nothing we need to say to fill the "void" some relationships have, simply because there isn't one. 

"I love you Mike."

"I love you too Zoe."

Okay I'm trying my best to update and I'm sorry but I cut my hand when making food the other day so I write a lot slower for now.

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