Chapter 30: Flight to Los Angeles, California

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I'm back and I have a pretty good idea of how this story is gonna go. Sorry it took a while.

Ronald Reagan National Airport
Boarding Gate 19
9:00 AM
July 15th

Ben's POV:
Damn, I'm so tired. I am officially 19 as of last month. And I'm married. Huh, I can't believe Erica threw me such an amazing party. I can't believe I'm married either.  We even went to see the new "Men in Black: International." Mike and Zoe came over and we all hung out and want to see it. Erica said she wanted to take me to "My Spy," but it hadn't come out yet. 

So I said, "We can go when it comes out then." She smiled and nodded. 

But that was a few days ago. Now it was time for us to leave for our mission. We decided our honeymoon would be after the mission because we'd already delayed the mission and it was time to suck it up and go to work. There was a slight change of plan though. Now Chip, Rebecca, Jawa, and Jessica were going to go straight to Florida led by Griff and his girlfriend Kelsey. And since my siblings had finished their mission earlier, Kiley, Andrew, Ava, and Brent were all heading to Hawaii led by Ashley and her boyfriend Alex. Gabe, Addison, Zoe, Mike, Erica, and I were going to California obviously led by Erica who said we could co-lead too. Catherine was flying us, Cyrus was flying Ashley's group, and Alexander had gotten better and was flying Griff's group. My parents and other amazing spies were at HQ waiting in case we needed backup.

"Babe I got everything in the car! I'm gonna grab Mav and then we're ready when you are!" I yelled.


We both got into her car and drove to the airport. We got to our gate and waited. We were taking a private jet, but we still had to go to a boarding gate. Mike, Zoe, Gabe, and Addy were right behind us. I had almost forgot Mike and Zoe were dating because of all the chaos, but they were staring into each other's eyes dreamily and holding hands. I reached for Erica's hand, but she pulled away. I felt like crying. She looked at me and realized how hurt it made me. But she stayed silent. We both had backpacks and duffle bags with our stuff. I had Mav's leash in my hand as well. So, our hands were kinda full, but she didn't say her hand were full. She just looked away. 

This is bad. 

"Erica, baby, are you okay? Scratch that, I know you're not okay. What's wrong?" She looked up at me.

"I'll tell you when we're in our seats. But don't worry. I love you. Everything's fine."

But while I knew not to push, I also knew everything was most certainly not fine. I nodded and we all got onto the jet. It was huge. I wondered how the CIA afforded it. But no matter. There were 3 bedrooms, and each couple shared one, though there were 2 separate beds in the rooms that weren't Erica's and mine. There was a mini movie theater, gaming systems, game tables, and more. It was spectacular. I looked at the others and they all seemed impressed as well. Erica started for our room and motioned for me to follow her. We walked in and plopped on the bed. We laid there staring at the ceiling in silence for a few minutes.

"So, what's wrong?" She tilted her head towards me.

"It... it happened again." She whispered. Instantly I knew what it was. She had another nightmare.

"I'm so sorry, E." I stood up and got my computer. I laid back down and pulled the blanket over us. "What do you wanna watch?"

"I don't know. Whatever." 

I randomly chose this kids movie called 'The Croods' I scooted over so I was right next to her. She wrapped her arms around me and I set my left arm on her shoulder. We curled up together and I put the computer on my lap. I kissed her forehead.

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