Chapter 16: The Rings

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This is what I imagine the rings to look like, but Ben's also has a blue band. 

Erica's House

Living Room
2:45 PM
June 16th

Erica's POV:
He slowly got down on one knee, and opened a little box. It had a sleek black ring with a strip of diamonds, a green heart-shaped emerald, and 2 bright blue shapes in it. 

He said, "Erica Hale, I love you and have since I met you. And my love for you only grows each and every second I'm with you. I've thought it through, I have. I know it's only been a few days and we're young but there's nothing more that I want besides being able to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you give me the best birthday present I could ask for, your hand in marriage?" he asked, more hopeful than I have ever seen anyone, ever. 

I just stood there, dumbfounded. What!?! Did he just... OH MY GOD... he did! You know those "My Heart" Tik Toks? That's exactly how I feel right now. 

Man, I've definitely changed a lot since I met Ben. I mean, I was cold and distant with no friends and now the guy I love wants to marry me, and I referenced tik tok. 

"Erica, hello, Erica?" 


"You okay? You're crying and you look completely shocked. I didn't even think that was possible!" He joked. 

I laughed, "Yeah, wait, I'm crying?" 

"Yup. So... will you marry me? I know we're young but I want to spend every last second I have with you. And for most people, they don't finish high school and have an amazing career, but we did. Please, I love you and will do anything for you." Now it was my turn to have a goofy smile, 

"How could I say no to you?" His face lit up, becoming brighter than the freaking sun. He slipped it on my finger and showed me that his was sleek and black with a green band and a blue bang indented into the ring. These colors clearly represented our eyes. He jumped up and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back even tighter. We stood there hugging for a few minutes when our friends came over and started congratulating us. 

I can't believe you're marrying the only guy who could thaw the ice queen. 

15 minutes later Ben came over and pulled me into another hug. "Should I tell her?" 

Tell me what? And who is he talking to? 


"So, Erica, remember how you planned a surprise party and I figured it out?" 

"Yeah, that was like the past few days." I giggled. 

"Well, when I realized you were up to something, I remembered my birthday was coming up, like I wouldn't forget my birthday would I? I made the guess that your plan had something to do with that so I gathered Cyrus, Alexander, and Catherine and asked for all of their blessings. Your parents agreed rather quickly, though Cyrus took a lot of convincing. But, he realized it wasn't his decision, although he wanted it to be. Then I planned to be over the top, causing you to change the plans. When you did, I didn't realize what you changed, but when you attacked, I put two and two together. I wasn't unconscious from the sedative because you did so little to make sure it was a short term thing. What you didn't know is that over the years I've built up an immunity to most sedatives and poisons. I honestly just fell asleep. So the entire time you've been planning this, I've been planning something bigger, and you actually had no clue. Why do you think your mom was so sure? She was sure because I had already told your family to ask for their blessing. Why do you think I was so rushed to leave? I had to get the ring. I custom designed them so they took longer to make." 

Ohhhhhhhh... that makes more sense. 


"Yup." I hugged him again. 

"You mean that you were able to hide something for me. How long?" 

"Since you stopped to talk to Cyrus after we were briefed. Gotta admit, it was really hard, but I wanted to ask you before you figured it out." I smiled. 

"I love you." 

"I love you more." I looked at my mom who motioned for Zoe, Jessica, and me to follow her. We obediently walked that way. 

"I'm so happy for you darling! I told you! Berica FOREVER!" 

"Thanks mom! I'm really happy!" 

They congratulated me and we talked for a few minutes before we went back in the living room where the guys were all congratulating Ben. 

"Dude! I can't believe she said yes! I kinda thought she would say no, but she didn't!" 

Mike slapped Ben on the back and said, "Give yourself some credit! She's only dated you, and she clearly likes you!"

They continued their little chat as we stood there listening. 

"Hey kid, you'd better do everything you can to make her happy, and treat her right! But... congratulations." He said. 

"Yes sir. I will. And thanks. Hello Erica, Zoe, Catherine, and Jessica. Why don't you join us instead of standing there listening to our conversation?" He said jokingly.

We walked in and everyone else was surprised, even grandpa! 

"Wait, you were all standing there? I had no idea! Good job!" 

"So, dinner? Where do you wanna go Erica?" 

"Olive Garden." Not sure why but I really wanted salad and pasta. 

"Our reservation is in 15 minutes." 

"Okay. Wait, what? Our reservation?"

"Yup. I made a reservation there yesterday because I was 99% sure that's where you'd wanna go." I just blushed. He smiled and pulled me closer to him, resting his head on mine. My heart literally melted.

So, there's 2 more chapters. Did you like the plans? Hope it wasn't too bad!

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