Chapter 36: Teams

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So, so, so sorry for the late update. I really hurt my shoulder and it hurts to write. I posted an announcement that said I will update this week but if it still hurts at the end of it, I will be taking a short break to let it heal.

Pantai Inn
Room 16-19
9:00 AM
July 18th

Ben's POV:
When we woke up we all met in Mike and Zoe's room. My siblings and the rest of our friends would be arriving in less than 15 minutes. My mom and dad had been sent on an urgent mission so they couldn't come though.

"The CIA agents are on route to attack the other bases once we save Jillian." I stated.

"Why not now?" Addison asked.

"If they attacked first, Joshua would know something was up and would possibly kill her, which we don't want to risk. Once she is safe and on route to the CIA HQ, they will attack." Erica answered. But it wasn't harsh or icy like before. She was just stating what would happen, just as I had.

"Ohhh, that makes sense." Addy smiled.

"Okay once they get here we'll discuss teams?" Zoe asked.

"Actually, not all of the people on this mission are going to infiltrate Spyder's base. It's too many people and sloppy."

"Ben's right. If we all go we risk each other's safety."

We waited like 15 minutes until everyone was there.

"So who's going?" Mike asked.

"Erica and I are for sure. This was initially our mission so we are definitely going. It's also her grandma and I'm sure she wants to be there." I said.

"Counting us, we have like max 6 people going in but that's still a lot." Erica added. "There are 18 of us right now, not counting Catherine, Alexander, and Cyrus." 

 "The rest of you will either be backup placed around the exits in case something goes wrong, or here as our comms monitors and helping us navigate easier." 

"Also, it's not personal if you aren't on the extraction team." I added. I looked back at Erica. "We're going to our room to figure out specific teams."

We walked to our room.

"Okay so it's my mom, my grandfather, you and me so far."


"Hey babe, I think Ash and Griff should come too because they're both very experienced."

"Yeah, you're right. How many people on a team?" 

"Teams of 3." I said. "Ash, you, me, and Griff, Cyrus, and Catherine."

"Zoe and Mike should lead the people back here."

"E? Can my my little brother and sisters stay here too? I'm worried they'll get hurt. I know they can take care of themselves but-"

"Of course Ben. Addison, Jessica and Jawa should also stay." 

"So we have Kelsey, Alex, Brent, Andrew, Chip, and Rebecca as backup."

"Sounds like we're all set."

We walked back and everyone looked to us.

"Okay the field team is Catherine, Cyrus, Ash, Griff, Erica, and me. We'll be in groups of 3. Ash, you're with Erica and me, Griff you're with Cat and Cyrus." I said.

They all nodded and walked to their group.

"Alexander is in charge of the back up team that includes Alex, Kelsey, Brent, Andrew, Chip, and Rebecca. Kelsey, Chip, and Rebecca will go to the building with the little house and pretend to be drunk so they let their guards down, Alex, Brent, and Andrew will go to Disney and hang out around there so they don't seem too suspicious." Erica added.

They got into their groups and got ready.

"Zoe and Mike are in charge of the people staying here, them being Jawa, Jessica, Gabe, Addison, Kiley, and Ava." I said with a smile.

Zoe squealed and Mike nodded with approval.

"You guys will have to keep an eye out for guards, help us navigate, etc." I finished. "So, we all know our groups, partners, roles, etc?"

"Yep." Everyone said.

"Perfect. Gear up and get ready. Stay alert and be careful. Let's get the hell out of here, free Jillian, and preferably come back safe."

Again, sorry for the wait and stay tuned because a oneshot is coming out soon.

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