Chapter 49: Happy 4th of August!

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Happy 4th of July! Ik there are still many problems going on as far as the BLM movement. I do not mean to try to pass this topic. It cannot and will not go away until properly resolved. Still simply, Happy 4th of July. Also, I messed up the dates so this is my fix. It was og July but they were still on a mission/Ben was in the hospital then so they decided to celebrate it a month later.

Living Room
Berica's House
10:30 AM
August 4th

Erica's POV:
Ben had spent the past few days forcing me to help him plan a "4th of August" party since we'd missed it while we were on the mission/he was hospitalized. I tried to tell him it was strange but he insisted.

We had food, drinks, games, and most importantly, our friends and family. Our backyard was an absolute mess, but everyone was here and we were having a blast. Mike and Zoe were running a little late, because they brought their new friend along with and she was really wired. 


She was a German Shepard puppy the two bought the day before.

And she was freaking adorable.

Mike got it for her as a thank you for helping him through Ben's slow recovery.

Sadie and Mav were running around the yard like the goofballs they were while we all talked and played games.

My dad grilled hot dogs and burgers for everyone.

We were having a blast. 

And then it started to rain.

Not hard or a ton, but it was clearly raining.

We all laughed and played around, catching fireflies and trying to get Mav and Sadie to stop eating them.

We spent all day laughing and playing, until we went to the parking garages to watch fireworks from the roof, like we did when I was a kid.

We played football and skateboarded around while we waited.

We heard the booms of the show starting and watched as the sky lit up.

All I could think was, looking around at my family and friends, I had won the lottery.

Okay so there is one more chapter and an epilogue, but that is all. This majorly long story, is sadly coming to an end.

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