Chapter 7: Erica

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I think Erica looks like the picture above with brighter eyes.

Erica's House
Living Room
9:00 AM
June 13th

Ben's POV:
I woke up and saw Erica next to me. I'm so glad that, after all this time, we're together. I didn't move, I didn't want to. I wanted to stay like this forever. All I could think about was how amazing she was.

"What did I do to deserve someone like Erica.... She's sooo amazing, and I'm just a nerdy boy from D.C. I love her so much, but she deserves better. So much better. I love how strong and independent she can be, but I also really love how sweet and vulnerable she can be. I love her soft, shiny, dark hair that looks perfect no matter what. I love her ice blue eyes that sparkle in the light, but seem to glow at night. I love how I'm the first person she's felt she could trust, since Joshua, who betrayed her and broke her heart. I love how she got a car the same color as my eyes, because she didn't want to forget them. I love how I did the exact same thing that she did, with the exact same car. I love how she knows me and can tell what I'm feeling and how to help. I love her strong will and ability to do anything. I love how she is loyal and will do anything to protect what she cares about. I love how stubborn she can be. I love how fear can't get in her way, because she'll do it anyways. I love her smile that can light up the room, no, does light up the room. I love her laugh, it makes me feel like I can't be sad. I love her giggle, so sweet and cute, but so rare to hear. I love how smart and quick-thinking she is. I love how amazing she is. I love how her mom wants her to be happy and how she thinks I can make Erica happy. I love how her dad thinks of me like a son and how he tries his best to help. God, it would be faster to list things I don't love about her. In fact why don't I do that, oh wait, I can't because there isn't a single damn thing I don't love about her. I could die the happiest man ever, as long as I die with Erica, or even knowing that she likes me, some nerdy boy from D.C. What did I do to deserve her: she deserves so much more."

I thought, tears rolling down my cheeks. But then I heard something strange; it sounded like laughter. Erica looked up at me and stared into my eyes.

"Ben, you have saved my life and the world more times than I can remember, you helped me trust people again, and so much more. You don't need to think you deserve me; you need to know it. I love you and whether you think you deserve me or not, I know you do and that's all that matters. Hey, Ben, calm's okay, I love you and I always have. But please, trust me, I love you and I don't want anyone but you." She said with a calm voice, hugging me and rubbing my back.

"Ben, I love you. I almost feel bad for recording you saying all that!" She laughed.

I looked up, "WHAT?"

"Well, when you lifted your head off of mine, I woke up and heard you say something about me so I recorded it because I couldn't hear you very well since you were whispering."

"I was whispering? I thought I was thinking it! I'm such an idiot!" I looked down to hide the fact that I looked like I fell in a bucket of red paint.

"Yeah, you were. But...I'm glad you were because a few days ago I was worried that you forgot me or didn't like me and that I missed my chance. But, now I know that I was wrong and was worried for no reason besides, I love you and felt that I wasn't good enough for you."

I looked up and whispered, " could I forget you? I've loved you since the second I saw you." I stopped crying and said, "Can you please delete it before you send it to anyone?"

"Well, about that...I already sent it to someone." She said sheepishly.

"What!?! Who?"

"Cyrus." She whispered.

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