Chapter 14: The Gym

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Here's Ben's trip to the gym! Hope it's okay cuz I'm writing this at study table before practice.

Erica's House
Living Room
7:30 AM
June 16th

Ben's POV:
I was so tired but I knew I had to go to the gym to work out. I looked up and saw Erica pacing in front of the couch. 

What the heck? 

She looked so nervous and worried. 

"Hey, are you okay? You seem really upset." I whispered while rubbing her back. "Just tell me and I'll do anything you need." 

"About that, I um... need a little space." She winced. I looked up into her eyes and started crying. 

Is she... breaking up with me? But, she can't, I love her! 

"Did.. did... did I do something wrong? I... I... I can... I'll change. I promise. Erica please..." I said, pleading, as tears streamed down my face. "Erica... please... don't do this... I love you... please...Don't..."My voice cracked a lot as I broke down in tears. I was shaking as the tears kept falling. "Why... I should have known..." 

"Ben, it's not you, it's me. You deserve better. Please, don't make this any harder than it has to be." 

"Were... you just... manipulating me... like you... used to... when... when... we were... younger. Was... it ever... real?" I said, tears falling between every few words, hoping it wasn't true. 

She can't break up with me! 

"Ben, of course it was. It always was." 

"Sure." He said with a huff. "I should... should have known... you never... never really liked me... did you?" My face growing red with anger. "Fine. I'll get my stuff and stay out of your face." I grumbled. 

"Ben," I kept walking, "Ben! Listen to me! It's not your fault! Okay?" "Sure." I said as I kept packing up my stuff. 

"Great. Just great." She griped. "I'm so glad you're taking it like an adult." 

"What!" I screamed. "I'm 18 and the girl I always wanted to be with just broke up with me and won't tell me why! Put yourself in my place! How would you feel if I randomly broke up with you and wouldn't tell you why! Oh wait, that's right! You probably wouldn't care since you don't seem to care about me! Then you get upset at me because I'm angry and sad and hurt that someone I always loved broke up with me for no apparent reason! So you shouldn't tell me I'm not taking it well! Because I have every right to feel angry and sad and hurt because I love you and you won't tell me why you're ending the relationship I've worked toward for 5 years! And no matter how poorly you treated me or how much you used me and pushed me away, I stood up for you and kept trying to spend time with you." 

"Listen, Ben..." 

"NO! I don't want to listen unless you're gonna tell me what's wrong. Because if you won't, I'm gonna pack my stuff up, sell my car, and move on. I need to head to the gym if you won't tell me, but if you will, I'll understand because no matter what, I'm drawn to you! I promise I won't be mad, I just wanna know what's going on! Please, Erica... Please..." 

"Ben, I can't right now, but I'll tell you one thing, I love you, but I just need you to trust me. Leave your stuff here and go to the gym. Afterwards, once you've blown off some steam, I'll explain at your parent's house. Around 11:00 Sound good? It's 8:15 now."I was super confused but she said to go to the gym and she'd explain after, at my house for some reason. 

"Okay. But I gotta go now." 

"Sounds good."

I left after I set my stuff down. I got to the gym 15 minutes later. I ran, swam, shot hoops, practiced soccer and football, and I, of course, found my way to the punching bag. I spent 48 minutes just taking my anger out on the bag. 

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