Chapter 26: Bachelor Party

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Lakers vs. Wizards game didn't fit so they just have 2 parties in their groups at Six Flags because it made much more sense. This is Erica's suit. Ben's is just a nike gradient of bright blue to bright green with a black swoosh. I'm lazy, so there will be times where I say they rode all of the whatevers numerous times so I don't have to list them etc.

Six Flags
Roller Coasters
8:30 AM
June 21st

Ben's POV:
We just arrived and decided to go ride some roller coasters. We bailed on the game because it was way expensive and we wanted to go on a day trip, not a 2 hour game instead. Gabe, Griff, Jawa, Chip, Mike and I were having a blast already. I hadn't seen Erica, Zoe, Ashley, Kiley, or Ava since we arrived, since they were off doing their own things. I didn't mind cuz Saturdays are for the boys. Since we were all busy the day before, it was our Saturday, even though it wasn't. We were having a blast and we'd just got there. We'd ridden the Wild One, which is super long. It was awesome! 

"Where to next?" I asked. 

Griff smiled, "Arcade?" We all nodded. 

We walked there and played all kinds of arcade games. There were electronic games, Xboxes, Playstations, and carnival type games. (Don't know what games there are so I'm just using games I like/know well. I know they don't have Xboxes and Playstations but I wanted them to so the do in this. Don't judge.) They had a big flappy bird game and we all played it for a while to see who could get the highest score. I got second but as usual, Griff destroyed us all. He was way better than us. We went to the Xboxes and played Minecraft for like 2 and a half hours and we built all kinds of stuff. We built cities and memes and images of us on missions. 

We saved the worlds and I texted them to the group chat and the girls just sent snaps of them rolling their eyes with the caption 'Lol.' I knew it was sarcasm but it was still funny. We played run from the beast, bedwars, hide and seek, and all kinds of other maps. 

My phone buzzed. Erica texted, 'Wanna grab some lunch with all of us?' 

"Hey guys, Erica and the girls wanna know if we wanna grab some lunch. I'm down, but what do you guys think?" Everyone was down. 

"All of them?" Jawa asked. 

"Yeah... why? You wanna see your girlfriend?" He blushed and we laughed. 

"I-I-I don't know what you're talking about." He stuttered. Mike spoke up. 

"Jawa, we love you bro, you're one of the homies, but, it's kinda obvious that you're into Jessica. Dude it's okay to admit it." He pointed to each of us as he said who we were with. 

"I love Zoe, Ben loves Erica, Gabe loves Addison (his girlfriend), Griff loves Kelsey (his girlfriend), and Chip loves Rebecca. We all like someone and so we can tell you like her. It's okay to admit it dude. We're here for you." 

"Thanks guys. Do you think she likes me?" Now it was my turn. 

"I'm pretty sure, yeah. Lemme see your phone a sec." He looked confused but unlocked his phone and handed it to me. I opened their text conversation. I read it.

Jessica: Heyyy ✌

Jawa: Heyy. What's up? 

Jessica: Nothin much, u?

Jawa: Just chillin 😎

Jessica: Nice

*next day*

Jessica: Hey Jawa, wanna hang out later? I wanna talk to you and I wanna ask you a question ❤

Jawa: Yeah, sounds fun! How about after the parties? 

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