Chapter 15: Final Preparations

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Sorry it took so long to update, I've been on vacation and had no WiFi so I couldn't update. Thanks for 962 views! I can't believe it. I mean, it's been a few weeks, and it has almost 1,000 views! That's crazy! I'll be writing a lot more, or at least I'll try. Okay, enough ranting, here's the next chapter.

Erica's House
Living Room
7:45 AM
June 16th

Erica's POV:
Oh man, that was too close. 

Ben left 5 minutes before Zoe, Mike, Chip, Jawa, Jessica, Cyrus, Alexander, and Catherine all arrived. 

What if Ben figured it out? Is that why he was so anxious to leave? He has to know, doesn't he? Crap! He does, and if he doesn't, wouldn't that make him a bad spy? But I don't care! It's a surprise! I'm changing the plan a little to throw him off. When he gets there, I'll... attack him and tell him I work for Spyder. And I'll tell him I switched because... I never got recognized. 

Which of course is 100% true, so he'd believe it. I called a meeting and had everyone head to the living room. When everyone was there, I explained how I was pretty sure Ben was onto us and how I was changing the plan a little. 

I told them how I would attack and bring him into his room. How I'd pretend to have betrayed him and would sedate him so we could take him to a secret room somewhere in my house, exact location would not be specified, obviously. We agreed it would change his mind and throw him off. It was settled. 

We all concluded the meeting and went back to decorating the last little bit. It occured to me our meeting had lasted over 2 and a half hours! It was now 9:30! I felt really bad though. Sure I was planning a surprise party for him, but first he thought I was breaking up with him, and now he'd think I betrayed him, the CIA, and the United States of America, let alone the entire free world! I can't believe myself! 

After arguing with myself for another hour, while I was working, of course. It was 10:30! Only half an hour until he would show up and I would have yo attack him and pretend to betray him. I was getting more and more stressed by the second. No one saw this, except for grandpa, of course. He waved his hand at me, signalling me to follow him into the other room. 


I obediently followed and walked to the room farthest away from everyone else. "So, what's wrong with you?" He asked. "And don't say nothing, I may not be the best with this kind of stuff, but I'm not blind, sweetheart. Did Ben do something to you?" He said, his voice rising and fists clenching. 

"No grandpa, Ben is the best boyfriend ever and does everything in his power to make me happy and be there for me." 

"Then what's wrong, because you seem off." 

"I'm worried we won't stay together. Not because of him, but me. I pretended to break things off, at least temporarily, and I'm immediately ready to pretend to betray him. What if he decides to break up for real because of my recent actions?" I said, tears forming in my eyes. He saw this and started to speak, when we heard whispering by the door. I rolled my teary eyes. 

"Mom, dad, come in, since you already know what's happening." They walked in, blushing. 

"Sorry, we saw Cyrus call you over, and you seemed distracted, so we followed you." My dad mumbled. 

So it wasn't just grandpa who noticed, great. 

"It's fine, I guess." 

My mom sat next to me and said, "How could you even think that? He's liked you, no loved you since he saw you. Not to mention he's one of the most caring and understanding people, ever.  Of course he'll understand. And it's not like you did/are gonna do those things for fun, you did/are gonna them to hide a surprise birthday party from him. He'll understand sweetie." She said hugging me. 

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