Chapter 27: Bachelorette Party

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Almost wedding time! This is Ben's suit but his is way brighter green and blues. Next chapter or the one after that is the wedding so yay! K, I realize how much I say this, but 4.7k+ views is blowing my freaking mind. THANK YOU!!! I really appreciate all of the ideas for nicknames, what to write, etc. Thanks and I hope you enjoy this next chapter.

Almost to Six Flags
Zoe's Car (Black SUV)
8:00 AM
June 21st

Erica's POV:
We were almost there. All of us had worn sporty bikinis and had short shorts on. We'd rode in Zoe's car because it was way bigger. Not gonna lie, already missed Ben. 

Is this my life now? Missing him whenever I'm not with him? Welp, that sucks. But does it? It means I really care, so I guess it's good? 

I thought about Ben for another 15 minutes until Zoe laughed. 

"God, Erica I don't think I've ever seen you so distracted. I asked what you wanted to do, but you just stared into space and smiled. What are you- oh, you were thinking about Ben!" I blushed. 

"... No, I was thinking about my dog, well our dog, Maverick. I-uh, really miss him." 

No way she's buying that. I mentally face-palmed. 

"Uh huh, and you were dreamily blushing because of your dog?  I see. Erica, I'm not blind or stupid. It's okay to think about Ben. He is your fiance. It's not like we're gonna mock you or something. It's great that you found someone that loves you back and makes you happy." I shrugged. 

"I know, but this is still a pretty new thing for me. I'm trying but it's really hard." She frowned. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I understand it's hard for you , but what I meant. I meant that we are here for you and you don't have to push yourself this much. But what I noticed is that you've become way more trusting and kind to people. Ben has helped you a ton and he clearly loves you. He is marrying you on FRIDAY! You don't always have to be the tough one. We all care about you and have your back." 

A few tears rolled down my cheeks. 

"Thanks Zoe. I'm just worried that he won't like me anymore or that I'm not good enough for him." She laughed. I was confused. 

"Why is that funny?" 

"Because, you're Erica Hale. Ben has loved you since he saw you. It's not a matter of whether you two think you're good enough for each other. Because you aren't." My jaw dropped. 

Really? Are we not good for each other? 

We stopped at a red light. She looked at me. 

"You two aren't just good enough for each other. You're perfect for each other. You calm him down when he's about to break and he helped you be more trusting and social. Stop worrying and just be together and happy." 

Ohhh... that makes sense. I wiped my eyes. 

"Thanks Zoe, you're right." 

"I am. And we're here." 

We all went in and showed them our tickets. 

"Where to first?" We looked at the maps for a while. 

"How about the basketball court?" I think it was Ashley said. 

"Sure. Didn't know you played too." 

"Being Ben's older sibling meant Griff, Ben, and I always hung out and played sports. Even though he wasn't very good. The three of us used to be inseparable. But Spy School ruined that. Until he was recruited. I wasn't sure he would be because he was always the sweet weak one, but the mole problem made them give him a chance. And he did pretty damn well, if I do say so myself." 

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