Chapter 37: Rescue

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Okay. This is it. They are officially going to try and rescue Jillian. She's Erica's grandma in case you forgot. She went missing years ago and they finally found her location. Cyrus, in my mind, had been a total romantic, Ik it's a bit of a stretch. He was crushed when she disappeared and assumed she must have been dead since she'd been gone for 17 years. He vowed never to let himself be heartbroken ever again. He didn't want that for Erica, who's like a daughter to him. So he taught her to never let her heart be open in an attempt to protect her. Unfortunately, you can't live life running and hiding from love. You can't swear off emotions because you're scared of getting hurt. Okay so that got way off topic but anyways, point is, Cyrus got to be cold like he was in the books because she went missing and he was heartbroken. One last thing. I dedicate this to @AnonymousAgent453 for being super supportive and the birthday shoutout in his book Spy School: The Last Battle. Go check him out. Enough authors noting. Story time!

Pantai Inn
Room 16-19
9:00 AM
July 19th

Ben's POV:
We were packing up and moving out. This was it. The real deal. No second chances. No saved by bunnies. This was it. If we messed up this time, lives were on the line. So uh... no pressure, right?

The computer group was standing by, the back up group was ready to leave once we were in position, and the field group was heading out.

We all wished each other good luck and left. Erica, Ash, and I got in a car and drove to the building while Griff, Cat, and Cyrus went to the tunnel.

"You ready E?" I asked.


"You seem a little off."

"Nerves I guess. I haven't seen my grandma since I was 4. It's been 17 years. I was sure they'd- killed her." Her voice broke.

"Hey, it's okay. Baby. Come here." I pulled her close. We had gotten in the back seat and she started crying. I hugged her and rubbed her back. "Think about it this way. We're on our way to save her and end Spyder right now. We have an amazing team. We got this."

She sniffled. "Okay."

"Hate to ruin the moment, but we're here." Ash offered.

"Thanks Ash. Let's do this."

We snuck over the fence. You may be wondering why we went during the day. We did so because there are more guards at the entrances, meaning there were less inside the base.

We all set up around the fence and shot each guard before anyone knew what happened. We put their coveralls over our clothes and made it look like we were Spyder agents. Obviously, they knew our faces but it would help a little. I slipped my hand into Erica's and she gave a faint smile.

I felt bad but we needed to keep going. We went in the house and found a long spiral staircase going very far down. We carefully went down. I had memorized the layout that we'd seen with some device thing. We were closer to her but not by much. She was pretty much in the middle from what we could tell. It made sense because they'd want as much time as possible to stop rescuers. Unfortunately for us, we were rescuers.

We got to the bottom and walked into the main base. We walked casually to the holding cells. We found one labeled Jillian Henry. But it was- empty? Then someone behind us spoke.

"Hello Erica.Ben. Ashley." His voice sent shivers down my spine.

"Shit." I muttered.


"Turn around and put your weapons down."

"And why would we do that?" Erica asked.

"Because we'll kill you if you don't." This voice I didn't recognize. It was a- woman's. It was cold and clear. She meant business. Erica obviously knew her because she paled and her hand started shaking. She slowly turned around so my sister and I both did too. Erica's jaw dropped.

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