Chapter 10: The Text

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You should probably reread chapter 9 because I added to it since I missed an entire paragraph. Oops, so sorry 😬. Sorry it took a while! This is what his jacket looks like but with a green "B" to the right on the chest.

Erica's House
Living Room
8:00 AM
June 15th

Erica's POV:
I yawned as I laid next to Ben, cuddling on the couch. I was so glad that after all these years, Ben still loved me and kept trying to "thaw" me. If he hadn't, I wouldn't have been laying next to him as an official couple. I looked up and smiled at him. I wouldn't change a thing about him, I mean, he's perfect! Oh, I remembered his birthday was the 16th, and it's the 15th. I couldn't believe I forgot. I'll text Zoe and Mike to help me plan something special while he's at the gym, basketball, football, and soccer. 

Wow, he does a lot. I thought. As much as I wanted to go and watch him, I wanted to plan something special for his birthday. Eh, he'll have more practices. Bzzzz... What the heck? We both got a text at the same time, which seemed normal, except for the fact that only a few people had my number. 

"Cyrus." I mumbled. Meet me at St. Smithen's. Principal's Office. I have an important job for you. 75 minutes. DON'T be late. -K. K stands for Klondike which he put in case anyone else read it, they wouldn't understand. It's also his code name. Dang it grandpa! I have plans! Arghhhh!

I could tell Ben was worried Cyrus would kill him if he found out about us, even though I told him not to because him hurting Ben would hurt me. Since his goal was for me not to get hurt, he wouldn't touch Ben. He gulped. 

"Man, you used to listen way more before we were dating. Should we go back to being single?" 

Immediately he yelled, "NO!!! I love you and we just started dating. You can't break up with me yet!" I almost laughed. 

"To be honest, I don't want to break up either, but you never listen anymore. Stop worrying about him. I'll protect you like I always have. If I tell him that him hurting you would hurt me, he wouldn't think about touching you. But, if you hurt me intentionally or betray me like Josh, he still won't kill you. Because I will. But I'm not too worried about it, because I fully trust you and know how loyal you are. It's one of the main reasons that I care about you so much. Now, let's go." He blushed, probably happy that we're together and I just said I cared about him and trusted him. He paused. 

Lemme guess, now he's bummed we can't celebrate his birthday or go out. Actually, he seems to have forgotten about his birthday, so I'm not gonna remind him.

I said, "Stop complaining, and focus, this is how we met and the world is more important than a few dates. They can wait and so can you." 

"I know, but I was really looking forward to couple time. By the way, I know that Catherine knows, but who are we telling, if anyone?"

 "We can figure that out in the car. Let's take mine. Here, you drive." I said, tossing him the keys. He nodded. 

"Go change, and grab some supplies in case. Mav's still asleep and Mike's on his way to watch him. He thinks I just wanted a dog and named it Maverick. I didn't tell him about us though." 

About 5 minutes later we had our suits and utility belts on. We even had 4 backpacks, 2 of weapons, one for each of us, and 2 of things like clothes and toiletries, also one for each of us. We hopped in the car and drove to Spy School. 

We decided to tell anyone we knew we could trust like Zoe, Mike, and my family. 

We got there like 40 ish minutes after he texted us, making us half an hour early. Meaning we had a few minutes to get there before we were "late." So by Cyrus' standards, we were right on time, so far. I had gotten cold in the car, and he gave me his jacket. At first I just held it and looked at it. 

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