Chapter 35: Aaand... action!

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Hey guys! Sorry it's later in the day but I have so much hw that it's really hard to update but I will update. If I don't update a story the normal day, i'm sorry and there will for sure be an update the next day. This is back to Ben and Erica. I'm really sorry for how confusing I made it. Idk why I did but them all meeting up in Cali is me trying to simplify it. Also, don't be surprised if there are plot flaws, sorry. I'm still kinda new to this whole thing.

Pantai Inn
Room 16-19
2:00 AM
July 17th

Ben's POV:
After the call we explained the situation and how everyone was meeting back here to the other people on our mini-team. We did a ton of research and planned to do some recon when it got dark. After we ate we went to bed and everything was peaceful, until my bed shifted. 

I was out of it and didn't think anything of it. I fell back asleep only to be woken up unable to breathe. Something was on me and was covering my mouth and but couldn't tell what. It was obviously a person, but who? I had an idea and took a deep breath. 

Lilacs and gunpowder.

Erica. I thought. Wait. It's not her hand over my mouth this time. It's her mouth. Oh, she kissed me to wake me up. Duh. (No dirty comments please.)

I kissed her back passionately for a little while until we pulled away for air.

"Good morning sleepyhead."

"It's 2 am. Of course I'm tired. We can't all be as amazing as the fantabulous Erica Hale."

She smiled and punched me on the arm. I winced a little. I wrapped my arms around her and smiled.

"As much as I don't wanna get up, you gotta go get ready. It's time."

"Okay. I assume you're already ready?"

"Yep. Tried to be generous and let you have a few extra minutes of sleep."

"Thanks babe."

She rolled over and got out of the bed. She walked over to the bags and tossed my suit and utility belt at me. I caught them and put them on. I put on some shoes and a hoodie over the suit so I could cover my face if need be. I turned my phone on DO NOT DISTURB and walked over to Erica, who was sitting on the bed. I sat down next to her and put my arm on her shoulder.



"You excited E?"


"You always love the action and thrill. And you thrive."

"We all do Ben. It's our job."

"I know that. I just meant it's been a little while."

"True. We took a break and got married. And had a ton of fun. But now it's time to get back to work."

"Yep. Aaand... action!" I said like a director.

"You had to make that joke?"

"Yep. We should really get going though."

We stood up and walked to the car. Mike was driving so he could drop us off and not have to park. We slid into the back seats and he drove to Disney. 

When we got there we climbed over the security stuff and walked around to Toontown. I showed her where we found the tunnel and we went in. We walked until we saw guards. We hid behind the corner and made a plan. 

We turned around and snuck away. It may seem stupid, but let me explain. We couldn't go in until we were going to get her out. If we did now, they'd move her and up their security. When we got back to the front, Mike pulled up and we headed toward the other entrance.

When we got there we noticed there was hardly any security outside, to avoid drawing suspicion. The windows weren't even barred up. They were boarded and so was the door. Even though it was a super new building, it looked old and abandoned. There was a creaky old fence but we could easily jump it. It gave off bad vibes and even the bravest people would stay away. They had no idea what it really was. But we did and needed to scope the place out. It was a 2 story farmhouse like building, but in the city, and the property was 1,500 square feet. There were trees all around it so we could move around it hidden in them. It seemed like a bad idea to have trees all around it but they'd hide the agents in the house and yard so it worked both ways.

We looked around. The windows and doors were boarded. There were 2 doors and 14 windows, 6 on the first floor, 8 on the second. They were the only ways to enter the house. We continued to look around to find anything else when I stepped on a stick. It cracked and made a loud snap.


"Shit." I swore. There was a guard in the backyard we didn't see and now he knew we were there. Erica looked at me and rolled her eyes.

"Really Ben?" She mouthed with an annoyed look.


"It's okay. I have an idea." She continued.

I nodded. There was a rustling in the bush. A bunny hopped out and Erica's face lit up. She picked it up and scared it so it would run close to where the guard was. It ran/hopped out at the guard and he jumped before laughing.

"Oh. It's just a little bunny. Hi there little guy." He said with a baby voice. "You're so cuteee." 

Thankfully Erica's plan had worked, but now we needed to get the heck out of there before we really did get caught.

We walked carefully to the fence and jumped it. We ran to the car and got in. 

"Mike, go. Please." 

"You got it." He drove away and I breathed again. "What happened?"

"We scoped the place out and got a ton of info when Ben accidentally stepped on a stick and alerted a guard."

"But Erica found a bunny and sent it to the guard, saving the day and my ass as usual."

They laughed and we got out when we pulled into the hotel parking lot. 

"Thanks for driving Mike." I said.

"No prob bro. We're a team. We gotta work together."

We walked to our room and back to bed. We'd only been gone an hour, so we could still get some sleep. Erica and I cuddled as we drifted off to sleep.

Bam! Hope you liked it! :)

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