Chapter 5: I Love You

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Now, let's go back to when Ben saw Erica and figure out why he froze and wouldn't speak, shall we?

Academy of Espionage
3:30 PM
June 12th

Ben's POV:
No way. Erica Hale did not come to my graduation, she remembered? Awwwwww....she came, that was so nice of her. Maybe she came because---. I didn't get to finish my thought because someone barreled into me.

I looked and saw Mike standing over me, "Sorry bro, my bad! Here..." He reached out his hand and when I grabbed it, he pulled me up.

Zoe was laughing, "You ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just thought I saw Erica and got distracted. Wait..." I looked over and she was still there, but now she was laughing and walking over to us. Mike and Zoe gasped, meaning they saw her too. Zoe ran over and hugged Erica, and Mike went over to her and said something, but I didn't hear what. She looked at me expectantly, and I tried to speak, but I couldn't.

"Wow Ben, feeling awfully talkative today I see!" She said jokingly. I was about to say something, but I paused, I really want to hug her, you know what, I'm gonna. I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around her, and I started crying.

Damn it Ben, you're 18, almost 19. Pull yourself together.

Erica noticed and asked, "Ben, are you okay? Why are you crying?"

Great, you're hugging the girl of your dreams, and you're crying? Such an idiot!

She hugged me tighter, pulling me in closer, and I smelled the best thing in the world, lilacs and gunpowder. I'm like 4 inches taller than her now! And I'm 6'4"!

I pulled away gently, looked down at her, and said, "Yeah, I'm fine now." I hugged her again, still crying.

She looked at me and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I thought you forgot about me or didn't wanna talk to me." I paused, took a  deep breath, and said, "But you are here, you came and you even took days off to see us!" I hugged her tighter, "You don't understand how much I missed you! Why didn't you answer my texts? I was so worried about you!" I frowned, getting upset.

"Hardly anyone has my number so I forgot to check my text messages. I had my phone on silent because of the constant missions." She said, clearly embarrassed. "I just saw them Wednesday and figured I should explain in person." We looked over to see Mike and Zoe staring at each other.  "I'm assuming those two are a couple now, considering that."

"Yup. Ever since me and Zoe broke up they've been together, and I've been alone most of the time."

"Alone like single or third wheel?" she asked. 

"Both." I grumbled.

"You've been single for the past 3 years?"

"Yup." I grumbled again.

"Why?" I can't tell her, not here at least.

"Can I tell you in private?" I questioned.

"Of course. Mike, Zoe, it was great to see you guys but I'm gonna head home."

"Ok, see you later." They replied almost in unison.

"Wait, where are we going, my car's at home since I've been living here." I must sound like such an idiot.

"We're going in my car." She paused. "And we're going to my house." I tried very hard to hide my excitement. When we got to the car my eyes widened, it was a mustang the color of my eyes.

"That's your car, why green?"

When she got in, and started driving all she said was, "Because it reminded me of you." She smiled her perfect smile, melting my heart.  "But if you tell anyone..."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, you'll find me and kill me. After all these years, you didn't get a new catchphrase? Bummer." I started bursting into laughter.

"So, now that were in the car, why did you stay single? Did no one else like you?" I'm sure I looked uncomfortable, because I'm about to pour my heart out to the girl of my dreams. I took a long, deep breath.

"No, a lot of girls liked me, but they all had one problem."

"Aaaand..." she said, "that was..."

I took another deep breath and said, "They weren't you." I mumbled.

"What? I didn't hear you."

"They weren't you, all right!" I immediately looked down blushing. What if she doesn't like me back?

As we pulled into the driveway, she said, "Ben, look at me!" I looked up, looking like a tomato,


I looked into her beautiful icy, blue eyes and heard her whisper, "I love you."

And she leaned in close, and did something I was not prepared for; she kissed me. She wrapped her hands around my head and ran them through my hair. All I could do was kiss back. When we pulled away, we stared into each other's eyes, man, she's so beautiful.

We got out of the car and  she walked over to me, slipped her hand into mine and I put my arm around her shoulder, leaned in and whispered, "I love you too. I always have and always will. I know before you said we couldn't be in a relationship, but it's been a while. I know it's really fast and soon but will you be my girlfriend?"

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