Chapter 28: Berica Forever and Always

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Lol sorry I was gone so long, but I'm back. Ben's suit looks like this but the green is the same color as Erica's dress and has black pants to go with it. Okay, let's do this! Can't believe how many views it's gotten! Over 6.8k already? Thanks everyone! Now, for the wedding that was far more anticipated, no offense Calex, but Berica is far superior. It's just fact. Lol sorry dudes. Like to shout out my roomies @Agent_Jaydenx and @agentbot08. Of course @Alpha12321 who kidnapped us and made us friends and roomies. And @Jjdhfhfjf for all the support. 

Virginia Beach
Near Ocean Breeze
10:00 AM
June 26th

Ben's POV:

My siblings, parents, friends, family, everyone. They all came! My sister Ashley called me over to where she was standing next to my other sisters and all of their boyfriends. Her's was Mike's older brother Alex, Kiley's was named Andrew, and Ava's was Brent. 

"Make sure you treat her well buddy, but, congrats little bro!" Ashley said as she hugged me. 

"I missed you Ash! And all of you!" 

We all talked for a while, but the wedding was starting at 12 and it was already 10:30. I was getting nervous for some reason. 

What if she says she changed her mind? I would be traumatized. But she wouldn't do that to me, right? 

I went back to where my bros were and talked to them about it. "Guys, what if she says no? WHat if... she changed her mind and hasn't had the heart to tell me yet." They all told me I was crazy so I put those thoughts out of my head.

Time passed and soon it was 12:00 PM. It was time. And I was thrilled. The ceremony started and Alex and Erica walked up the aisle. She stopped next to me and I almost fainted. She was so beautiful the sun and stars and moon were jealous.

"Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah." The official said. Well, not really but I was only half listening. We said our vows and he asked, "Do you Erica Hale, take Benjamin Ripley, to  be your lawfully wedded husband through better or worse until death do you apart?" I smiled and looked at her. 

I instantly wished I hadn't. She looked sad. "I-I-I can't. I'm sorry. I still like Josh. I'm so, so, so, so, so sorry Ben." Tears welled in my eyes. It was all over. Why live without her. I pulled out a gun and shot myself in the head. I collapsed and saw Cat and Alex try to save me while Erica sobbed. But it was too late. I was gone. (Sorry but it needed some action.)

I'm serious

What are you looking for? That's it!

Okay, no it was- psych!

Fine it wasn't. Ahem, I'm sorry but a fan asked to prank everyone so i did. I'm especially sorry to my roomies. That entire last paragraph was a prank and not part of this at all. So, let's go back to the actual story, shall we?

She smiled back at me. "Of course I do." I grinned. She hadn't changed her mind! Yes!!!!!!!

And do you, Benjamin Ripley, take Erica Hale as your lawfully wedded wife through better or worse, till death do you apart?"

"I 100% do." He smiled at both of us.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." I smiled and kissed her. It was short but that was intended. We'd decided a short kiss would work and we wouldn't make out on stage cuz that be embarrassing af.

But I was happy. I was married to the love of my life.

Erica POV: 
I'd had my hair done and was readier than ever. This was it. A huge decision that will change my life for the better. 

It was 12:00 and I was at the end of the aisle next to my dad who'd walk me up to Ben. I slowly walked toward him and stood right across from Ben. 

The official was talking but we weren't listening. Our eyes were locked and we were in our own world. I heard 'do you' followed by my name and knew that was my turn. I said I do, as did Ben.  We kissed, short but sweet. That was the start of my life all over again. I was married to my partner, best friend, and true love. Things couldn't be better, or could they?

Sorry, chapters are gonna be shorter now so I can update both of my stories more often. Hope you liked it. Also, sorry for the prank, but you'll get over it eventually. Lol not to be rude but it was a joke. Also I'm tired and going to bed as usual.

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