Chapter 9: Operation: Phantom Phoenix

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Sounds pretty cool, right?

Erica's House
Living Room
8:00 AM
June 15th

Ben's POV:
We were just snuggling on the couch when we both got a text from, you guessed it, Cyrus. 

Meet me at St. Smithen's. Principal's Office. I have an important job for you. 75 minutes. DON'T be late. -K. K stood for Klondike, his code name.

I was getting worried thinking about him. One slip up, and I'm screwed. I gulped. She noticed and said, "Man, you used to listen way more before we were dating. Should we go back to being single?" 

I instantly yelled "NO!!! I love you and we just started dating. You can't break up with me yet!" I protested. 

"To be honest, I don't want to break up either, but you never listen anymore. Stop worrying about him. I'll protect you like I always have. If I tell him that him hurting you would hurt me, he wouldn't think about touching you. But, if you hurt me intentionally or betray me like Josh, he still won't kill you. Because I will. But I'm not too worried about it, because I fully trust you and know how loyal you are. It's one of the main reasons that I care about you so much. Now, let's go." 

Awwwww... she trusts me! But dang bro, don't we ever get a break? I know that it's a no because crime never stops, but that doesn't make it any less annoying. I wanted a little while to just chill with my girlfriend, but now we have yet another mission. I probably shouldn't be complaining, because if I wasn't a spy, I probably wouldn't have met Erica, the love of my life. So as much as I wanted some time with her, I wouldn't have even met her without this. I guess I just have to suck it up and deal with it. We don't even know what it is, I mean Joshua's dead and we took down Spyder, right? 

Erica gave me a knowing look, saying, "Stop complaining, and focus, this is how we met and the world is more important than a few dates. They can wait and so can you." 

"I know, but I was really looking forward to couple time. By the way, I know that Catherine knows, but who are we telling, if anyone?" 

"We can figure that out in the car. Let's take mine. Here, you drive." She said, tossing me the keys. 

I nodded. "Go change, and grab some supplies in case. Mav's still asleep and Mike's on his way to watch him. He thinks I just wanted a dog and named it Maverick. I didn't tell him about us tho." 

Now she nodded. About 5 minutes later we had our suits and utility belts on. We even had 4 backpacks, 2 of weapons, one for each of us, and 2 of things like clothes and toiletries, also one for each of us. We hopped in the car and drove to Spy School. 

We got there 41 minutes after he texted us, making us half an hour early. Meaning we had 4 minutes to get there before we were "late." So by Cyrus' standards, we were right on time, so far. Erica had gotten cold in the car, so I gave her my green and blue letterman jacket. 

At first she just held it and looked at it. "But what about you; you're gonna be cold." I shook my head. 

"I'm not. I really want you to wear it if you're cold. I'll be fine, I promise." She put it on and looked at me. I couldn't help but smile. "Damn you look good! See, I told you!" 

"Fine, you have to win every now and then, right? Oh, and by the way, I didn't really send it or tell him yet. I was going to but I forgot. So I wouldn't mention it if I were you." "I smiled. "Not a peep." I put my arm on her shoulder as we walked. 

She just smiled and leaned closer to me. We got there at 8:44 with 37 seconds to spare. I knew this because I have level 16 math skills, one thing I didn't have to practice. This meant that I never failed a math or science test, I could do any math problem in my head almost instantly, I could remember long strings of numbers and letters, I had an innate sense of time (unless I was sick, had been asleep, or had been drugged), and many more. 

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