Epilogue/Preview Chapter 1 of Sequel

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Okay so the show they mention is called Leverage. It's amazing and one of my favorite shows. All 5 seasons are free on Tubi, no credit card number or even account required. There are all kinds of shows and movies on there, all free. It's an awesome show so go check it out if you want. But, also, #notsponsored.

Living Room
Berica's House
4:30 PM
January 28th

Ben's POV:
I remembered the year I got married like it was yesterday. But honestly, it was coming up on 5 whole years. I was now 23, almost 24 and Erica was 26.

We'd been watching tv on the couch together when she strangely got up and went outside. And didn't say a word. I ran outside and opened her door before she left.

"Erica what's wrong?"

"It's uh- nothing."

"You know I'm not dumb enough to believe that."

"It was worth a shot." She gave a weak smile.

"Erica are you okay sweetie?"

"Yeah I'm fine." She lied.

"Erica, I can't help if you don't tell me what's wrong. And don't lie and say you're fine. I can tell you're not. Should I call your mom and see if she can help with anything?"

"Thanks Ben but I just need to run to the store."

"I can go get whatever you need or come with if you want."

"Thanks but I need to go myself and clear my head."

"Okay, but drive safe. I'll wait here on the porch for you." 

"You don't have to." 

"It wasn't an offer. It was a statement."

"Okay, your choice. I'm just running to Walmart a sec. I'll be fine."

"Okay but call me if anything happens."

"I will. Love you."

"Love you too."

I let her close her door and walked to the porch as she drove away.

15 minutes later she came back. I went to help her out of the car and bring her an umbrella, as it had started raining.

As she got out I noticed she slipped a little like she was distracted.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

I helped her inside and she hugged me before heading to the other end of the house.

I sat down on the couch trying to figure out what was wrong. I decided I should call Catherine, Erica's mother to see if she would have any ideas.

"Hello Benjamin."

"Hey Catherine."

"How are you dear?"

"Pretty good. You?"

"Not bad at all. Is there something you need help with?"

"Kinda. Erica's acting weird and I can't figure out what's wrong."

"Did you try asking her?"

"Yeah. But she just changed the topic. She's been distracted too."

"Hmm... I'm not sure. I'd honestly just try talking to her and make sure she answers your questions. I know she can be a bit stubborn but sometimes a small push will get her to talk."

"I'll try that. Thanks Catherine."

"No problem Benjamin. If that doesn't work, call me back and I'll come over."

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