Chapter 33: Flight to Honolulu, Hawaii

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Okay this is to the Hawaii group, hope you enjoy.

Halekulani Hotel
Room 16-19
11:00 AM
July 15th

Brent's POV:
We landed at around 11. 

Boy that was a crazy flight. 

We played truth or dare in the lounge area. Poor Andrew had to eat a spoonful of mustard. 

Wait, where did we get mustard from? I don't even remember.

Here, I'll make a transcript of how the game went. It'll take too long to write normally, so, here you go.

Kiley: Okay, I'm bored. Alex?

Alex: Yeah?

Kiley: Truth or dare?

Alex: Oh boy. Dare. I'm not a chicken.

Kiley: Okay. Go change into one of Brent's shirts. Of his choice.

Brent: But I don't want him wearing one of my shirts. WAIT. Alex follow me. 

We walked to my room that I shared with Ava. I pulled out the biggest shirt I had and he put it on. It fit perfectly.

Alex: Thanks Brent!

Brent: No problem. Now let's go tell Kiley her dare backfired.

We walked back in and Kiley laughed and shook her head.

Alex: Andrew, truth or dare?

Andrew: Dare.

Kiley walked over to Alex and whispered in his ear.

Alex: Eat a spoonful of mustard.

Andrew groaned.

Andrew: But I absolutely hate mustard.

Kiley: We know.

He ate a spoonful of mustard. Suddenly he got up and went to the bathroom. We heard gagging noises and realized he literally threw up. So we felt bad and went back to playing video games after we gave Andrew some food to make it a little better. 

But after we landed we went to our rooms in the Halekulani Hotel. It was amazing. Like the pool was awesome and the rooms were awesome and everything was awesome. I made a mental note to take Ava back here to just have fun after the mission. We all went to our rooms, opened the connecting doors of rooms 16-19 so we had plenty of space, and got to work. After a while I saw something perfect. A teenage guy with a mop of brown hair walked out of a building in Honolulu to get a bunch of pizzas and some cokes. I told everyone else and we all knew enough about the people in Spyder to know who it was. It was Ben's nemesis.

Murray Hill.

I smiled at the screen one last time and watched as he walked back in. 

Gotcha, you son of a bitch.

Okay sorry for the language right there but I wanted to spice it up a little. Hope you enjoyed!

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