Mal and Ben learn colors

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Mal : black is a color. Like Ben, I am telling you BLACK.IS.A.COLOR

Ben : No it's not, it's a shade.

Mal : Says who??

Ben : Says I, the amazing and unstoppable and incredible and handsome and smart and strong king of Auradon.

Mal : Gosh, you sound like my mom, but at least she knows that black is a color.

Ben : Did you just call me your mom ??

Mal : No, I would never !! You are not worth of having that title.

Ben : But if I was your mom, I would get to tell you what to do. 😏😏

Mal : But you're not....

Ben : Or am I ?? From this day forward, I will be your mom.

Mal : We can't do that !!

Ben : Actually I can, I'm the king remember??

Mal : But aren't I the queen ?

Ben :........

Mal :...........

Ben :..........

Mal :.......

Ben : Okay, if black is a color, then so is white.


Did you just call me your mom??

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