The squirrels and sanwiches

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Mal: You love me right Ben? I mean it's not like you have a choice but...

Ben: Normally I'd say yes but I feel like you'll say something that'll change that...

Mal: wow. Rude. But you would tell me the truth right?

Ben: yea? Are you okay?

Mal: oh no Im great! Amazing actually! It's just the others...

Ben: others?

Mal: why do people judge me when I have fun?

Ben: Mal...are you serious?! Whenever you have "fun" people get hurt?!??

Mal: well it's not my fault people get hurt?! They just come right at me!

Ben: no they don't! You run after them! Remember the squirrels?!

Hades: we don't talk about the squirrels!

Mal: where did you come from??

Hades: uhhhh the window duh.

Ben: oh-wait what?!

Hades: forget it! Ok so why are we talking about the "squirrel incident"

Ben: i thought you said-

Hades: shhhhhh!!

Mal: there was no incident?!

Ben: Mal you can deny it all you want but nothing will change that it happened...

Mal: listen. Nothing happened. I just went on walk at the park,saw some squirrels and that's it. I don't know what you heard, but nothing happened. Got it?

Hades: Mally everyone in auradon knows what happened, you can't hide it. I was there!

Ben: You were?

Hades: I was...😢

Jay: yo we heard squirrels. We wanna know what happened!

Carlos: yea ever since then Mal has been a bit more violent?

Doug: yes, I'm quite curious as well!

Dude: ruff!

Carlos: dude, you can talk?

Dude: sup!


All the bros: EYYYYYYYYYY!!

Mal: ew boys. Yucky.

Ben: Ill tell the story-

Mal: dont you dare!

Ben: it all started on a bright and sunny day....

Mal: it was dark and cloudy....not sunny..

Ben: Mal stop making it ominous!

Mal: whatever

Ben: Mal went out to buy toothpaste because we ran out. Because it's the adult thing to do.

Mal: we ran out because you we're doing your "experiments" also known as toothpaste volcanos!

Ben: As i was saying before I was RUDELY interrupted....Mal couldn't find any since she didn't even try-

Mal: I did-

Ben: so she went to the park to get her anger. Along the way she found some peaceful looking squirrels and went to say hello....and that's where it all began..

All the boys: Oooooooooooooooo scaryyyyyy!!

Mal: oh would you cut it out! I wasn't that bad!

Ben: i beg to differ. Anyways, when she said hello the innocent squirrels-


Ben: INNOCENT squirrels ACCIDENTALLY dropped one of their seeds ( A/n: apparently squirrels are vegetarian?! And they don't eat nuts?!? I've been living a lie this whole time...)

Carlos: I feel like I know where this is going...

Ben: mal got upset and started yelling about suing the squirrels and calling their manager??? She even called the police?! And when they said they couldn't do anything, she got even more angry and started throwing things at the squirrels!!

Hades: SHE TOOK MY SANDWICH😭😭😭that day, i was having a peaceful picnic with my friend Robert the gold fish and she took all of my hand-made-store-bought sandwiches and threw it at the trees!?

All the bois: OH NOOOOOO😭😭😭😭

Ben: some people saw all this and reported to the police and mal went to jail.

Jay: hold up-

Carlos: wait what?!

Doug: uhhh-

Dude: broooooo dis gurl went to jaillllllll!!! Where they sell good puddinggggg!!

Doug: how do you know that??

Dude: I got secrets bro, super secrets.

Doug: oh.

Ben: luckily with my kingly powers, I rescued my dear princess from jail!!

Doug: that sounds wrong...

Mal: you just called your Dad so he can do all the work while you were sobbing...

Ben: I was not!

Hades: Ben was crying like a baby😂😂

Ben: no i was not!!! Hey let's go back to mal being in jail yea!

Hades: oh rightttttt!! How could you do that mal!!

Mal: come onnnnnnnn it's not thattt badddd!

Hades: yes it is! You went without me!

Mal: but- wait what???

Hades: they have good pudding!

Mal: how do you-

Hades: secrets mal. Secrets.

Ben: so midst of all of that, squirrels were harmed, people were terrified, sandwiches were stolen and most importantly Ben was sad 😞

Jay: ok so this got super always. So to cheer everyone up, who wants to see me do a hand stand while I sing twinkle twinkle little star?!

Everyone in the room and maybe the world: ME!!!

The end

broooooo dis gurl went to jaillllllll!!!

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