The ultimate quiz

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Evie: We came here as fast as we can. I even bought gummy strawberries. The grocery market ran out of strawberries. And tissue paper. And toilet paper.......actually, now that I think of it, the whole store is almost empty...

Jay: Anyways, what happened? You better not tell me she's pregnant. I told you to use the cond-

Ben: Haha, don't worry it's nothing of the sort.

Uma: Then what happened? Why is Mal so mad that she missed a tea party with the white bunny?

Evie: Wait! Did Hades steal Mal's eyeliner again?

Carlos: Did Ben use Mal's shaving kit again?

Doug: Did Jay fill Mal's room with scorpions again?

Jane: Did Ben finish all the milk again?

Audrey: Did the apple queen make a return?

Dude: Did that mean butterfly almost eat Ben again?

Lonnie: Did Ben kill another turtle while driving.

Ben: No, yes, yes, no, no, yes, maybe.

Lonnie: What do you mean maybe?

Ben: Turns out it was a frog.

Jane: Omg no! Muppet show used to be my favourite.

Evie: Guys, we're getting of track. Ben, just tell us why our little dragon is mad.

Ben: She did a "which Auradon royal are you" test and got Chad.


Evie: Eww

Jane: No way

Uma: She calls me Shrimpy, I call her Chadie.


Ben: Sooo....who's gonna go in the kill zone and comfort her?

*everyone except Ben runs away*

Ben: *sighs* What has my life come to?

*opens the door*

Ben: Mal...honey-

Mal: Don't Mal honey me! I need you to do something for me. Go and shut down the business who makes those tests!

Ben: Mally, I can't do that.

Mal: *does her green eyes*

Ben: Or maybe I can. I'm on it. Tootles.

*a few moments later*

David: It was I, David schezemberg the fourth who rigged that test so she would get Chad. Now that everyone is finally away from my dearest Mal, I can finally use my charm to get my happy ending.

Mal: I HEARD THAT * smoke surrounds her and she turns into a dragon*

David: AHHH!! Gotta go readers. Don't forget to stay home and stay safe! Oh, and buy tissue paper. TOOTLES!!!

                                        The end


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