Cooking with Dad

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Mal: *walking into the living room*: what the hell are you doing??

Hades: We're cooking!

Ben: yeah!

*Mal sees Ben cracking an egg on top of hades fire hair*

Mal: Isn't that un-hygienic?

Hades: pffft of course not! I showered!

Ben: yup! Isn't this great Mal! Father son bonding time!! A dream come true!

Hades: sure thing son!

Ben: He called me son!!!!* he squeals like a girl*

Mal: I get that you guys are bonding because we're quarantined and all...but is this really what you want to do in 1 am in the morning?! People are sleeping and you guys keep setting of the fire alarm?! We don't want another noise complaint?! Elsa already got that handled?!

Hades: uh huh sure thing...totallyyyy listening...egg?

Ben: it's super good!!!

Mal: and thank you

Hades:'re such a hader...get it?? It's like hater but with my name?!

Mal: yeah I got it dad!

Ben: wanna help us make pancake??

Mal: you know what, sure. Hand me the butter!

Hades: yay! More people! You "butter" be good at it! You get it?????

Mal and Ben: yes dad/ yup!

The end

uh huh sure thing...totallyyyy listening...egg?
- Hades

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