Break a leg!

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Mal: hey Uma! Break a leg!

Uma: thanks? Wait but I'm not in a play?

Mal: oh I know! I just want you to actually break a leg😁

Uma: so you're gonna be like that huh...

Mal: what ever are you talking about?😁(note the sarcasm)

Uma: don't move. I'm trying to imagine you with a personality😁

Mal: are you trying to insult me?

Uma: why of course not! I'm just describing you!

Mal: thats it! Bring it you deformed walrus!

Uma: fight me expired purple Brussels sprout?!



Evie and ben walk into the room

Evie: what...are they doing?

Ben: well fighting of course!

Evie: and you're not going to stop them?!?

Ben: but look at mals face! Isn't she adorable!* he says while watching them pull each other's hair*

Evie: thats adorable?!? Are you out of your mind?! Uma has broken nose?! And I'm pretty sure mal broke her arm?!!!

Ben: shes so pretty! Isn't she graceful!

Evie: You call that graceful?! What happened to you ?! Omg mal is bitting uma's arm-Mal no! Bad mal! Bad!


Mal: NEVER?!

Evie: THATS IT?! If ben isn't going to do anything then I will! That's enough you two! What is wrong with you! You aren't animals?!

Ben: well technically mal can turn into a dragon and Uma can turn into a giant octo-

Evie: not now ben! How are you king?!

Ben: i won tic tac toe against my dad and he said I was deemed worthy of becoming king soooo

Evie: you're kidding..

Ben: i swear on my royal crown shorts shorts

Mal: and thats saying something.

Uma: yea. Everyone knows that.

Evie: what has the world come to!?

Mal: whatever. Can we go back to fighting now?

Evie: NO!

Uma: awww you're no fun!

Evie: can you guys please apologize to each other so we can go back to being somewhat normal?

Mal: fine...

Uma: ugh..

Ben: alright I will be the judge of this trial! Order! Order!

Mal: Ben sweetie this isn't a courtroom...

Ben: b-but I wanna be a judge🥺

Mal: Ben.....


Mal: .......fine!

Ben: yay! Alright so in a count of three you both will apologize to each other ok? Ok!

Uma: you won't even ask us how this is even started?

Ben: Nope!

Mal: don't question it. The faster this is the faster I can go to McDonald's....

Uma: alrighty then...

Ben: ok! 1..................2..................3!



Ben: well now I'm just disappointed in both of you...

Gil walks into the room eating some fruit cake

Gil: hey guys! Uhh what's happening?

Evie: Mal and Uma were fighting each other, Ben wanted to be the judge in the nonexistent court room and solve the problem which FYI he's doing a HORRIBLE job and I don't know what to do anymore?! I'm loosing my mind?!

Gil: chill I got this bro! HEY EVERYONE! WHO WANTS ICE CREAM?!

Evie: Gil that's not going to-

Mal/Uma/Ben: ME! I DO!

Evie: that actually worked.....that actually worked?!?! That's all it took?! Freaking ice cream?!?

Gil: duh who doesn't love ice cream?

Evie: hey uh you perhaps want to be the next babysitter for Mal and Uma?? They drive me crazy?? And I don't know how much I can take it anymore?!
* she laughs maniacally*

Gil: uh yea sure? Do I get payed?

Evie: one Scooby snack every babysitting job?

Gil: DEAL!

                                      The end

i swear on my royal crown shorts shorts
- Ben

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