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Ben: i can't take it anymore!

Mal: well thats random. What's wrong?

Ben: Audrey.

Mal: ahhh

Ben: shes so selfish and ruthless

Mal: sometimes I wonder if Audrey would've been my mom's perfect daughter......and didn't you say to forgive her or something?

Ben: i changed my mind!

Mal: why? Not that I have a problem or anything..

Ben: watch. Audrey!

Audrey: Hiiii!! Im here!! The person you've all been waiting for!! Meeee~

Ben: 😑 ok so Audrey...

Audrey: yessssss~

Ben: What do you do when you see the most beautiful person in the world

Audrey:I stare, I smile, and I put down the mirror.

Mal: yup I totally see it!

Audrey: hey! That's rude.

Ben: you are the definition of rude.

Audrey: at least I don't run away from my problems and go to île...

Mal: why am I in this! I didn't do anything!

Ben: mal doesn't run away from her problems! She hides from them. Completely different.

Mal: you tell her ben!

Audrey: Ugh! What's wrong with you! You're not one with confrontation ben! Did someone spell or something??

Mal: ill have to agree with Audrey...for once....normally Im the angry one.

Ben: Im not angry! I'm just mildly upset!

Mal: yup he's angry.

Ben: am not!

Mal: are to.

Ben: am not!

Mal: are to.

Audrey: ok Im not in this couple fight or whatever so I'm out! Bye losers!!

Ben: i hate everything! Everything is uncomfortable! My stomach is killing me and I want everyone to die!!!!

Mal:........are you on your man period?

Ben: thats not a thing!

Mal: oh. Here's ice cream.

Ben: yay!!!

Mal: totally man period.

The end


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