Pineapple fight

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Ben: i want a pineapple

Mal: why?

Ben: because I'm sad. And pineapples make me happy.

Mal: And why are you sad?

Ben: well audre-

Mal: ok I'll get you a pineapple. Hold on I'm pretty sure I left it in the closet...

Ben: but you didn't even listen to my story??

Mal: anything that has to do with that woman is a nightmare so I will get you a pineapple. Or do you not want it anymore?

Ben: i want a pineapple please!

Mal: alright then! Hmmm now where could that be?

Ben: can you hurry up! I wanna hug my pineapple!!

Mal: Im trying my best here?! It's not my fault that you have a pineapple obsession?!

Ben: hey! I don't judge your strawberry obsession?!

Mal: you did NOT just go there!

Ben: oh YES i did!

Mal: you know what?!? You have weird hairy nostrils?!

Ben: they are not?!! You have weird toe nails?!

Mal: you weirdo?! Why do you look at my toe nails?!

Ben: coming from the girl who looks inside my nostrils?!

Mal: OK! Let's stop right here! We both know where this will lead to...

Ben: yup..

Mal/ben: You screaming in terror/ a make out sessio-

Ben: uhhh i mean me screaming in terror.....totally...Ill go get a head 3..2...1.. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?!?!??

Mal: hold on let me drink some throat always gets sore after these. Ok I'm good to go. COME BACK HERE YOU STUPID BI-

                                       The end

i want a pineapple

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