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Ben: you are the love of my life, you've always been there for me when life was getting me down, and you gave me so much comfort. Your smell is like smelling a thousands of roses. You have the looks of a beautiful prairie. Finally, you taste like heaven. Oh how I love you so much!

Mal: awwww ben! That's so swe- wait I taste like heaven??! Ummmm are you ok?

Ben: huh oh mal you're here?

Mal: yea....who were you talking to?? Are you cheating on me?!!

Ben: if you count obsessing over bags of potato chips cheating.....then yes.

Mal: I-you-I cant- you know what I'm going to leave now...have fun with your chips..

Ben: ok bye mal! Love you!!

Ben: but not as much as I love you my chips.....

Mal: i heard that!

Ben: Welp she can't do anything about it.

                                     The end

if you count obsessing over bags of potato chips cheating.....then yes.

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