A beautiful morning

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* Mal wakes up seeing Ben on the floor*

Mal: why are you on the floor?

Ben: you pushed me off the bed!

Mal: now why would I do that?

Ben: well I don't know! Maybe because you were dreaming of beating up Audrey!?!

Mal: how do you know that???

Ben: you talk in your sleep....and also kick.

Mal: whatever. You have such a messy hair in the morning.

Ben: you think that's a mess. You should take a look at my mental health...

Mal: Damn. Well that took a dark turn. I guess your not a morning person.

Ben: oh really?! Who would've thought?!?? I've had 2 hours of sleep because I was stuck with a bunch of paper work?! BUT EVERYTHING IS FINE?! BEN IS JUST A HAPPY LITTLE KING WHO HAS NO WORRIES AT ALL?! I JUST WANT EVERYONE TO BE NOT ANNOYING AND BOTHERSOME!!?IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK?!??

Mal: you done?


Mal: coffee?

Ben: ........yes......thank you.

Mal: kiss?

Ben:......yes please.

                                         The end

why are you on the floor?

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