Cupid hit harry

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Mal : Hey Ben !! Let's go watch a movie !!

Ben : Sure !! Let's watch frozen 2. I have to watch it before Britney spoils it to me.

Mal : Ok....wait.....who's Britney.....

Ben: Oh....she's just my six year old cousin. She's one of my best and only friends. She's the only one who understands me, even at my dark times. 😔😔.

Mal : Oh !!

At the cinema

Mal : Can we get strawberry flavored popcorn ??

Ben : really wanna eat artificial strawberries mixed with buttery popcorn ?!?

Mal : DUHHH !!!! I mean, I wanna try something new !!


Mal : Ummm.....what the FRICK?? Where did you even come from ?!?@

Ben : do realize how creepy that is right ?!?! Also..........WHO THE HELL ARE YOU CALLING DARLING ?!?! Mal is MY darling.

Warning !! Serious content warning ahead !! Read at your own risk. Don't tell me I didn't warn you......

Mal : "cracks her knuckles" alright. Do I gotta beat you up, you stupid pirate, ass, son of a b* offence to your mom....shes great

Harry : Ummmm.......ok ?!?!

Mal : ..................

Ben : ARE YOU GUYS GONNA DO SOMETHING?!? I WANT TO SEE A FIGHT!!! "grabs a popcorn bowl"

Cashier: Ey !! You gotta pay for that!!

Ben : Shut up!! "Throws a 50$ bill at her face"

Cashier : OOO !! MONEYYYY !!!!

Harry : YO !! I NEED THAT MONEY!! These muscles aren't gonna grow by themselves !!

Mal, Ben and the cashier : What muscles ??

Harry: Oh shut up !! "Tackles the cashier to the ground"

Cashier: AHH !! BAD PIRATE!! THE 50$ IS MINE !! "Starts tackling Harry"




Ben : They both make a cute couple don't they ??

Mal : They sure do !! We are so the couple makers !!

*Ben and Mal high five*

What muscles ??
-Mal, Ben and the cashier

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